
via Imago

via Imago

Nyck de Vries, a promising talent, recently parted ways with Alpha Tauri, leaving many in disbelief at this mid-season shuffle. The departure was marked by an eerie silence, a dichotomy to the thunderous applause that greeted Daniel Ricciardo upon his arrival at the AlphaTauri factory. The video of Ricciardo’s warm welcome, released by an Instagram page, has since been making rounds on social media, adding fuel to the fans’ discontent.

Fans have taken to social media platforms to voice their displeasure over what they perceive as Red Bull’s unjust treatment of de Vries. “Nyck deserved a goodbye,” read one comment, encapsulating the sentiment of many. The lack of a proper send-off for de Vries, juxtaposed with Ricciardo’s grand welcome, has left fans questioning the team’s respect for its drivers.


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While the controversy surrounding de Vries’ departure continues to simmer, another angle to this story is the overwhelming support Ricciardo has received, leading us to the next part of our narrative.

A Thunderous Welcome to Daniel Ricciardo: A Testament to His Popularity


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Daniel Ricciardo is no stranger to the limelight. The video of his welcome showcases the team’s enthusiasm and respect for the Australian driver. However, the jubilant reception has inadvertently stirred controversy. Fans have contrasted Ricciardo’s welcome with de Vries’ quiet exit, leading to a debate about the treatment of drivers in the sport.

“It’s not about Ricciardo, it’s about respect for all drivers,” a fan pointed out, highlighting the crux of the issue.

Let’s check out some other Instagram comments with strong but mixed sentiments:


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“I’m absolutely happy for Daniel because he’s going to run in Las Vegas but my heart hurts Nyck, a damn goodbye didn’t take so long and it didn’t cost anything.”
“The lack of professionalism from alphatauri is disgusting. No matter is he was a good or bad driver nyck deserves a goodbye post AT LEAST. But what can we expect from red bull.”
“His smile!!! 🧡🦡”
“i wonder if they will probably change the formula 1 intro haha ​​nyck out daniel in”
“they still haven’t acknowledged nyck if i was him, i would be pissed like a goodbye doesn’t hurt”
“How about nyck???? Please this is so sad”

The contrasting receptions of Nyck de Vries and Daniel Ricciardo have brought to light the disparities in the treatment of drivers in Formula 1. As the debate continues, one thing is clear – every driver, regardless of their status, deserves a proper send-off. After all, in a sport fueled by passion, respect for the drivers is as crucial as the thrill of the race.

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