
via Reuters

via Reuters

Lewis Hamilton has played a critical role in shooting the stock of Formula 1 up, globally. That being said, the 7x champion is more than just a commercial asset for the rights holder for the sport; Liberty Media. Over the course of his illustrious F1 career, the Brit has slowly and steadily evolved into being more than just a race car driver. His exploits on the track have made him a legend of our sport. However, some would argue the lad from Stevenage has also become a champion for the cause of human, social, and civil rights.

Hamilton, over the recent years, has become an outspoken supporter of many movements. Prime amongst them being the ‘Black Lives Matter’ initiative that was propelled to global acclaim after the unfortunate death of George Floyd. For the Brit, however, this was the moment that changed everything as far as he was concerned.

via Reuters

In a recent interview with UBS, Hamilton said, “I’ve never been good at abiding by the rules, if someone told me I couldn’t do something I always tried to prove them wrong. I think about it and I think the first dream for me was to get to Formula 1, [and it would be ] the only black family there.” [translated via Google Translate]


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He then went on to explain why Floyd’s death turned things around. “It was obvious to me when things began to grow, the moment of real transition was when George Floyd happened, there you see more the violence that’s going on. That was shocking to me, and I’m sure it was shocking to other people as well, but it reminded me a bit of the past and the experiences I had in the UK.”

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George Floyd’s death had a profound impact on the 7x champion. But Hamilton is sure that this will lead to a better future.

Lewis Hamilton looks at George Floyd’s death from a different perspective

When the news had broken out about George Floyd’s death, the entire world was up in a furore. F1 megastar and 7x champion, Lewis Hamilton, was one amongst many who had publicly spoken out against the whole catastrophe.


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Back in 2021, Hamilton was quoted by SkySports saying, “We believe in a world where children like George’s don’t have to worry about whether their dad will come home at night. Where every black person can walk down the street with the belief that this world was made for them. We work to build an equal world for George, for his children, and for all the other victims of racism.”

“Rest in peace, George Floyd. Your time here was cut far too short. Your legacy will last forever.”


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With the FIA’s latest ban on political statements, how do you think this would affect activist drivers such as Lewis Hamilton?