
via Imago

In a stunning turn of events, Carola Martinez, the wife of Formula 1 driver Sergio Perez, supports actress Claire Holt amid an escalating wave of backlash from Max Verstappen fans. The controversy stems from Holt’s candid remarks on Verstappen during a recent Q&A on her Instagram story, triggering a storm within the “orange army” of dedicated Verstappen fans.

The conflict takes root in the ongoing F1 championship, where Verstappen’s domineering performances have been a cause for discussion. With Verstappen currently leading the 2023 F1 world championship, and Perez defending his 2nd position from Fernando Alonso, the competitive tension within the Red Bull team is palpable. The internal dynamics took a dramatic turn when Claire Holt candidly expressed her weariness of Verstappen’s consistent victories and labeled him a “grouchy baby.”


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The “Vampire Diaries” star’s comments may have been delivered light-heartedly, but they certainly didn’t sit well with the Dutchman’s fanbase. The backlash was swift and significant, with Holt facing the wrath of Verstappen’s loyalists. Yet, she stood her ground, reinforcing her statement about Verstappen’s perceived immature behavior.

Amidst this unfolding drama, Carola Martinez, Sergio Perez’s wife, took a surprising step by publicly liking Holt’s post on Instagram, thereby expressing solidarity with the actress and adding fuel to the brewing tensions within the Red Bull team.

Read More: “I Stand by What I Said”: Despite Being Harassed by Max Verstappen Loyalists, Actress Claire Holt Takes the Offensive Approach to Call Out the Baby Behaviour

As the controversy rages on, it’s clear that the tensions within Red Bull are more than just track-related. As we delve deeper into this developing narrative, one can’t help but wonder about the potential repercussions this could have on the already strained team dynamics.

The Impact on Red Bull and the F1 Championship


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The Red Bull team, already grappling with Perez’s struggles on track and Verstappen’s seemingly unstoppable winning streak, now faces a new off-track challenge. With Carola’s public support for Holt’s anti-Verstappen remarks, the inter-team relationships appear to be under severe strain.

via Reuters

With Verstappen leading the championship and Perez defending his 2nd position, the team’s unity is crucial for their collective success. Carola’s show of support for Holt, coupled with Holt’s firm stance despite the backlash, could potentially shake up the internal dynamics of the team. This adds an unexpected layer of complexity to an already fiercely competitive season.


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Watch This Story | Max Verstappen and Christian Horner slam Mercedes for trying to ‘take shine off’ F1 title win after Lewis Hamilton drama

As the 2023 season enters its decisive phase, it’s clear that the drama isn’t confined to the racetracks. The escalating feud has opened up a new front in the championship battle, with the stakes raised not just for Verstappen and Perez, but for the entirety of the Red Bull team. As the world watches on, only time will tell how this controversy will impact the race for the F1 title.