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Pierre Gasly and Yuki Tsunoda have a bit of a bromance going on this season. Tsunoda is in his rookie season while Gasly is the elder statesman at AlphaTauri. But both drivers leave no opportunity to troll each other.

We have seen both drivers joking and having banter in their off-track activities. The Japanese driver may have struggled this season, but it has not left him with a bitter persona off-track.

While doing an F1 fan meet online, Gasly recalled the encounter on how he first met the rookie driver.


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He was really making a lot of noise: Pierre Gasly

As reported by GPFans, the AlphaTauri pair did not have the most cordial first encounter. Gasly recalled that the noise from the other room had made him angry and interrupted his sleep.

“I was in my hotel room trying to sleep, but there was someone screaming in the room next to mine. He was really making a lot of noise and I thought, ‘Who the f*** is this guy?'” said Gasly.

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“The next day I met Yuki and asked him which room he was staying in. Then it turned out that it was Yuki who was playing on his PlayStation. I think he was yelling at everyone who killed him or something, so I thought, ‘So that’s the jerk who kept me from sleeping!'” said Pierre.


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Then, Tsunoda got a chance to troll the Frenchman. At the Turkish Grand Prix, it was Pierre who was screaming from his room. The Japanese driver also called out Gasly for his poor video game skills.

“He was in the room next to me and I heard him shouting about every thirty seconds. It sounded French because I heard ‘Putain, putain’ the whole time! I think he’s bad at gaming and that’s why he kept dying,” said Yuki.


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Pierre is a big fan of video games as he had previously played FIFA with Carlos Sainz, Charles Leclerc, and Lewis Hamilton in between races. Gasly and Tsunoda will return as teammates for next season as well and hopefully, we will see more banter from them.

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