
USA Today via Reuters

The 2023 Solheim Cup concluded with Europe retaining the title after a 14-14 tie. Now, the spotlight has shifted to the eagerly-awaited Ryder Cup, set to begin on September 29 in the historic city of Rome. With the Ryder Cup drawing near, golfers from both the European and USA teams have begun their practice sessions.

Just a few days are left for the patriotic showdown and the latest PGA Tour social media update garnered a mix of fan responses. Let’s dive into the details.

‘Good Morning From Team Europe’


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Both teams have arrived at the venue and are deep into their practice sessions. PGA Tour posted a cheerful group photo of all the players on the course, captioned, “Good Morning from Team Europe.” This post quickly garnered well-wishes from golf fans worldwide.

Europe is hungry for redemption after a 19-9 defeat to the USA in 2021. Still nursing the wounds from their steepest loss in Wisconsin two years ago, the European team is eager to settle scores. This drive is evident as Luke Donald led his squad to the greens of Marco Simone Golf and Country Club, aiming for precision and perfection.

All eyes are on Rory McIlroy as he prepares for his seventh Ryder Cup. Given that he’s a four-time major champion, a lot is expected from him. Although McIlroy has been dealing with a back issue lately, he remains optimistic about contributing positively to reclaiming the coveted trophy. While the overarching sentiment appears to be “all for one and one for all”, the significant role that seasoned players like McIlroy need to play cannot be overlooked.


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Even though he’s the former World No.1 and stands as the third eldest on his team, only behind Shane Lowry and Justin Rose.

Worst Team Europe ever! Really?


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As the players gear up for the patriotic showdown, fans are following all the updates from their favorite teams and players and as this post went live, it was showered with comments. One curious fan quipped, “Wonder what Rors said to Fitzy?!?” hinting at a possible light-hearted conversation. Another fan ambitiously pitched, “We need team Asia and then Africa,” envisioning a more global competition.

The USA’s odds were played down by a confident supporter, “USA NO CHANCE… Look at the camaraderie!” While there were calls for a team makeover with comments like “Fire the wardrobe stylist immediately”, and a slightly pessimistic “Worst Europe team ever“, the general vibe was still supportive. Encouraging comments such as “Great to see you all laughing! One Team“, “Easy win”, and “Bring home the bread Europe” resonated with the optimism of the fans.


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And then, amidst the serious and the supportive, a humorous fan couldn’t help but notice Viktor Hovland‘s expressions, jokingly stating, “Viktor looks so giddy. I just want to adopt him and bake him some cookies.” These fan reactions show how much this event means to people. Who are you rooting for? Tell us in the comments below!

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Written by

Dimple Nakar

One Take at a Time
Dimple Nakar is a budding golf writer at EssentiallySports. The job brings together two of her strongest passions: writing and golf. Dimple’s love for the sport extends far beyond the main players like Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson; she also has immense love for the growth golf is currently seeing through LIV Golf and the merger of the two sides.
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Edited by

Prateek Srivastava