
UFC President, Dana White has been named in a lawsuit. He’s identified as the alleged prominent Las Vegas businessman victimized in a $200,000 sex-tape extortion.

According to the lawsuit, 42-year-old Ernesto Joshua Ramos pled guilty in federal court and served 366 days in prison for the extortion crime. He is now accusing Dana White of breaking a deal made in 2016. White has to pay him $450,000 in exchange for not having his name disclosed after the case was closed.

Ramos also claims that he demands the money from Dana White. And accuses White’s lawyers of providing false information to get the FBI to investigate him in the extortion case.


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Dana White wiped off all accusations and said,” I just found out that a bull(expletive) lawsuit was filed against me yesterday. This guy went to federal prison for trying to extort me over five years ago. Now he’s hired a lawyer who is also a convicted felon, and he’s trying to extort me again for $10 million. He got no money from me last time, and he won’t be getting any money from me this time. I look forward to the court dismissing this quickly, so I can get rid of these scumbags forever.”

The Las Vegas attorney goes by the name Ian Christopherson. He was convicted of tax evasion in 2012. He was suspended from practicing law as well. The Nevada Supreme Court reinstated his license in 2018.

The case dates back to 2014, Dana White in Brazil.

This entire lawsuit stems from a criminal case Ramos was involved in. Back in 2014, there was a supposed secret meeting between the unnamed businessman and an adult night club dancer who happens to be Ramos’ live-in girlfriend. Dana White at the time was in Brazil attending a UFC event, according to the civil suit. ( UFC 179 took place October 25, 2014, in Rio de Janeiro).

Early on in the criminal case, the businessman’s identity was secured by protective order signed by a magistrate. According to the civil suit, Dana White had been seeing the striper for months at a night club and paid her to dance for him in private. The suit also alleges that the stripper without the knowledge of Dana White, taped herself having sex with him in a hotel room in Brazil.


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In 2015, Ramos was arrested. Charged with trying to extort $200,000 from Dana White after the incident that took place overseas. FBI agents recorded the exchange of money between him and the businessman during a late-night meeting, the government alleged.

The stripper’s identity remained undisclosed in court as she faced no charges. She supposedly received tips from the businessman of roughly $200,000 over their multiple visits.


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The suit also claims that Dana White and his lawyers offered Ramos money to plead guilty in the case. And later on, they didn’t come through with the agreed-upon payment.

“The actions of White were fraudulent, oppressive and designed to encourage Ramos to plead guilty so he could negotiate a substantial settlement, which would prevent the disclosure of his actions at trial for the personal benefit of White and his related businesses and interest,” the suit alleges.