
As the Atlanta Braves continue fighting the New York Mets to steal the National League East division title, 28-year-old Matt Olson has written his name in the history books by successfully passing two MLB legends.

Notably, last night, the Braves beat the Mets 5-3. During this game, lefty first baseman Matt Olson played his 734th MLB game. While the game was viewed primarily for the Division Title chase, Matt Olson has proved to the world that he’s here to stay.


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Matt Olson has just surpassed Mark McGwire and A-Rod

During the sixth innings of the game, as the Braves were up at 4 runs, Matt Olson smashed his 175th MLB home run. With this home run, he overtook Mark McGwire and Alex Rodriguez.

As reported by Codify Baseball, both A-Rod and McGwire hit 173 home runs in their first 734 MLB games. On the other hand, Olson has already hit his 175th career home run.

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Matt Olson made his MLB debut back in 2016 with the Oakland Athletics. After playing with them for six years, the baseman arrived on the Braves’ roster in 2022. In a short seven-season career, he has already appeared on one All-Star team and won two Gold Glove Awards and three Fielding Bible Awards.

Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets, who will snatch the division title?

With the conclusion of last night’s game, the Atlanta Braves won their 100th game this season and now stand at 0.629 and rank in the NL East Division. Standing slightly behind them are the New York Mets, who are yet to win their 100th game in 2022. Nevertheless, as the Mets search for their 100th victory, they stand at 0.616.


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Analogous to their current standings, the Braves successfully increased their lead after clean sweeping the Mets, 3-0. Now, both the teams have a final, three-game series left. While the Braves will take on the Marlins, the Mets will play the Washington Nationals. Who will come out stronger? And on top of the table.

While both the Braves and the Mets have qualified for the postseason, who will clinch the division title and who will require the wild card?


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