
By now, the entire sporting world knows about Russia’s detention of Brittney Griner. Flying in to play basketball, the WNBA star carried vape cartridges with hashish oil which is illegal in the country. Over the past seven months, the seven-time All-Star hasn’t had any contact with family or friends. Living every day away from home, the 31-year-old might be facing some challenging conditions.

Penal colonies in Russia have the reputation of being one of the worst prison systems in the world. In addition, the reported first-hand accounts of the conditions of the colonies highlight the situation Griner may find herself in. Notably, overcrowding and poor sanitation are common characteristics of penal colonies in Russia. Moreover, the inmates have to go through intense physical labor.


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Likewise, Brittney Griner might be in a similar situation. Now stuck for over 200 days, a hostage expert detailed the possible conditions the 31-year-old may be facing.

Things may not be easy for Brittney Griner

Hostage expert Amy Manson shed light on the potential challenges that might hit the road of Griner. According to Manson, poor nutrition and a major toll on the body are common aftermaths. Estimating that the 31-year-old Griner might have lost up to 70 pounds, the expert shared some gruesome details, Moreover, she might not even have access to fresh air or sunlight according to Manson.

READ MORE – “Rumor Is This Ain’t Her First Time Being Arrested in Russia”: NBA Legend Provides Big Take On Brittney Griner’s Imprisonment Saga

Manson said, “They face the reality of poor nutrition, sometimes no access to fresh air or actual daylight.”

“Some of our returnees face as much as 50 to 60 to 70 pounds lost,” Manson added.

As negotiations between the US and Russia continue, a potential prisoner swap has been discussed as a potential solution to the issue. The WNBA, along with its stars, have long voiced their demand for Brittney Griner to be freed and returned home safely. WNBA commissioner Cathy Engelbert named Griner an honorary All-Star in June.


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In addition, her wife, Cherelle Griner even met with US President Joe Biden to speak about Brittney Griner. After their meeting at the White House, she was grateful to Biden for meeting with her and showing his support.


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“I want to thank President Biden for today’s meeting. It was an honor to speak with him directly about the Brittney we know and love, and to thank him for the Administration’s efforts to secure her release,” Cherelle said in a statement.