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In the past year, the WNBA and its fans have seen some pretty dark days. The Phoenix Mercury star, Brittney Griner, and her imprisonment in Russia last year was a genuinely concerning situation. Her family felt helpless as they tried hard to get Griner back from her exile overseas, and they had to undertake a long and arduous journey before she finally returned in December 2022. After living through the harrowing experience, it seems Griner’s wife Cherelle Griner has realized certain truths of life, which she feels obliged to dish out to others.

The 10-month-long battle to get Brittney Griner home saw a lot of backlash from certain sections of society, who spoke out against the urgency levied on Griner’s return, for a variety of reasons. Cherelle Griner recently shared her thoughts on how to deal with ‘trauma’ and thoughts of ‘revenge’, after being wronged.

Cherelle Griner on “trauma” and “revenge”, three months after the return of her partner


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Imagining the situation of Cherelle back in February 2022 must’ve been an impossible task. The WNBA star’s arrest, during a trip to Russia to play in the offseason, was a surprise for everyone. According to a report from the New York Post, as Brittney Griner was quickly put on trial and sentenced, her wife could do nothing but feel “hopeless” about the situation.

However, just like any spouse would, Cherelle and the Griner family fought hard as they enlisted the help of Bring Our Families Home to bring Brittney back to the country. They had to face a lot of difficulties in their path forward, including a lot of hate from many sections of the country. Fast forward to today, the WNBA star has safely returned home, and is preparing to play in the league next season.

Cherelle, just like anyone, has been processing the massive change in their lives as she recently shared her thoughts about “trauma” on her social media. In her latest Instagram Story, the 29-year-old shared a few words that she resonated with, on dealing with trauma and urges for “revenge“.


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The best revenge is none. Move on and heal so you don’t become like the people that traumatized you,” said the shared post by Cherelle Griner.

ALSO READ: “Still Not Gonna Watch”: Despite Big Return, Brittney Griner Given a Harsh Reality Check About ‘Ain’t Being Sh*t’

Although Cherelle wasn’t necessarily talking about the trauma in her life, the words might be a reflection of what she has faced in the heartbreaking 10 months that she spent at home waiting for her spouse to come back. 


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Cherelle’s heartwarming words on Brittney’s return

The decision of the United States government to bring Griner home in exchange of Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, who was imprisoned in the USA, was criticized by many. As Cherelle saw her spouse for the first time in 10 months, tears instantly rolled down, as she “couldn’t stop touching her face“. Although Cherelle was assured by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris about the WNBA star’s safe return in June 2022, the former’s concern was understandable.

Watch This Story: “When They Play the National Anthem…”: WNBA Star Brittney Griner’s Homecoming Receives Another Cheeky Jibe From UFC Star


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