
Meeting a celebrity is a dream come true. Especially so, if they happen to be in the same trade as yourself. Missouri commit Peyton Marshall must have experienced unadulterated joy when he met the Boston Celtics star, Jaylen Brown. Both belong to the same community and Marshall shed light on the conversation he had with Brown when both of them met. And that turned a lot of heads. 

Marshall was questioned about his relationship with Brown. Perhaps just like the Marshall, the viewers too would have been curious to get to know about their star.

What did Marshall reveal?


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The 7-feet center shed light on his meeting with Brown since they had gone to the same AAU program. The interview was taken by Brandon ‘Scoop B’ Robinson on Saturday at ES FanCast which is an original section initiated by EssentiallySports. Marshall spoke at length about how he had met Brown and what the two had discussed back then.

“Yeah, we played for… I’m a… I come out playing for his AAU program. We played for the same program. Not for sure, if you’re familiar with Game Elite, but we had the same coach so yeah. Definitely familiar with him, I met him there. I gotta meet him a few time there through my AAU program. I was really tapping into the mental aspect of the game and he was like stuff like that. It wasn’t more so about that basketball and on court stuff. He had a low 2 day camp like I think about his experience how it could help our community. It was an amazing experience,” Marshall stated.

Brown has a lot of interests apart from basketball. He is interested in learning other languages, studying philosophy, and meditating. To say that he has a life outside of basketball would be an understatement. With the talent he possesses and the diverse interests he has, Brown has always tried to give back to his community. As an example, he had picked up an African-American advisory team when he was about to be drafted into the NBA. This way he contributed to his community.

He also values learning and studying as major interests in his life and spoke about the same at the prestigious Harvard University, MIT, and Berkley among others. He has also collaborated with MIT to create a program for the PoC who want to pursue a career in STEM subjects.

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The Georgia native has been vocal about his support to people coming from humble backgrounds. And thus Brown would have given some valuable advice to Marshall. But Marshall contemplating about NBA stars did not end there.

What else did Marshall say?

Meanwhile, Marshall not only spoke about Brown but also discussed his role at length. Since he is a center, he was also asked about the better center when comparing the legends Shaquille O’Neal and Hakeem Olajuwon. Marshall clearly stated that “I was just a little more familiar with him growing up” and hence he chose Shaq.


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Taking a note from Brown’s book, hopefully, Marshall will perform exceptionally well, and just like Shaq, he will also be one of the most desirable centers as he makes his way to the college basketball circuit and then to the NBA.

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