
Mikel Arteta‘s Arsenal had a phenomenal campaign this year. Despite missing out on the Premier League title, there is no question over the team’s performance. The Gunners gave their all until the last day but just came up short against a more fired-up Manchester City. However, not everyone was equally impressed with Manchester City superstar Rodri firing shots against their rivals during the title celebration. Rodri claimed Arsenal lacked the killer instinct, and it seems he’s not the only one who thinks the same!

Former Manchester United captain Roy Keane talked about Arsenal’s performance during his appearance on The Overlap’s Stick to Football podcast. Keane questioned Arsenal’s mentality, claiming it was surprising to see a top side be content with a draw against their rivals. The United icon stated, “You know the games when you can’t get going sometimes. That’s where Man City kind of thrives. They will win them.”


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He added, “When Arsenal lost to Villa, we knew. One slip up and that’s it. And when Arsenal went to City, and they drew and everyone was kinda praising Arsenal and I know Man City weren’t at their best but they still had 70% possession. I listened to the manager after the game and I have never seen someone so happy after a draw. Do you think Man City is not gonna react to this, as if people wrote them off?”


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Keane’s assessment seems similar to Rodri’s words, who also touched on his team’s draw against Arsenal. While Mikel Arteta has every right to be proud of his team, the manager will surely have to figure out the very valid issue raised by the Spaniard.

Rodri not impressed with Arsenal’s mentality

Rodri, during the team’s title celebrations, fired shots towards the Gunners claiming, “They did an unbelievable season but I think the difference was in here (head). When they came here, when they faced us at the Etihad. I saw them and (thought) these guys do not want to beat us. They just want to draw. That mentality, we wouldn’t do it the same way.”


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While Rodri’s assessment might be fair, it is important to understand taking points off Manchester City is a considerable ask for any team. Arsenal had a great showing against the reigning champions, as they took four points off their rivals in the two encounters. This is a vast improvement from last season, where Pep Guardiola’s side stream rolled through their opposition without any issues.

It will be interesting to see how the Gunners bounce back from the setback and come back stronger next season. Do you think Rodri and Roy Keane are fair in criticizing Arsenal’s mentality? Sound off in the comments below.