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Neymar Jr., the Brazilian soccer sensation, has had his fair share of controversy on and off the field. His talent is undeniable, but so are the injuries that have plagued his career. In recent years, the Brazilian soccer star’s injuries have become a recurring theme, which has led to questions about his dedication and lifestyle. However, an acclaimed doctor who once served as the team doctor for the French national team has come to Neymar’s defense.

The latest injury blow to Neymar came in the form of a severe ligament rupture while on international duty. This devastating injury came just as he was starting to regain form after recovering from a knee injury suffered in February. With only five games under his belt for his new club, Al-Hilal, Neymar’s season ended abruptly.

Former French doctor defends Neymar’s sustained injuries


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Critics and soccer enthusiasts quickly questioned Neymar’s commitment to teams and the sport due to his recurring injuries. They argue that his lifestyle choices may be contributing to his susceptibility to injury. However, the former French team doctor argues otherwise.

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“To claim that these injuries are linked to his lifestyle is neither fair nor accurate,” asserts the ex-doctor. He believes that multiple factors need to be considered when discussing Neymar’s repeated injuries. “His style of play, with its dribbling and dynamic support, is also an explanation,” the doctor added.

In support of his claim, the ex-doctor cites two injuries from 2018 to 2019. During this time, he suffered a fracture of the fifth metatarsal on his right foot. The former doctor explained, “On both occasions, he was injured after duels that threw him off balance. He hasn’t had a succession of muscular problems, so to suggest that these injuries are linked to his lifestyle is neither fair nor accurate”.

These statements provide a more nuanced understanding of the factors contributing to his physical setbacks. While lifestyle choices certainly play a role in an athlete’s overall health and well-being, it is crucial not to overlook the specific demands of their chosen sport. With that in mind, let’s look at the current condition of the Al Hilal forward.

Update on the injury of Neymar


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Fortunately, the injury Neymar sustained on November 2 against Uruguay appears to be showing promising results. Although the estimated recovery time for this injury is still seven to nine months, doctors have reported satisfactory progress.

via Imago

The team doctor recently stated, “He’s doing a lot of work, but the key thing at the moment is increasing mobility in his knee and gaining strength in his leg. And of course, he is doing strength and conditioning work.” This news brings positivity; however, fans of the 31-year-old still need to await his return to action.


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