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Can we agree that for years, Conor McGregor and Jon Jones have been on the top of the food chain when it comes to the level of stardom they’ve garnered fighting inside the Octagon? Bruce Buffer, the voice of the Ultimate Fighting Championship for over two decades, seems to recognize that fact. And this is probably why, in an exclusive conversation with EssentiallySports Fancast, he disclosed that he reserves the label of “One and Only” only for these two superstar fighters.

Subsequently, Buffer also opined that these two MMA superstars receive special treatment during introductions before a fight, owing to stacked resumes filled with some irreplicable achievements. And for all the up-and-coming superstars of the promotion, it is not an impossible pedestal to reach, if only they put in the work.

“I try to reserve that [special treatment]. With all respect to all the other fighters, you have to earn your position to get something,” Buffer declared in a conversation with EssentiallySports Fancast. The legendary announcer even compared that “One and Only” labeling of fighters to his famous bow, known as the ‘Buffer Bow’, and how he’s only showcased that kind of respect to only a couple of fighters, Randy Couture and Anderson Silva, who had significant contributions of their own in bringing MMA to the forefront of mainstream sports.


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“It’s just like when I bow. I have only bowed to two fighters. I bowed to Randy Couture and Anderson Silva [because] I knew their careers were in the UFC and that was it. And they deserved that bow for all they did for us,” Bruce Buffer added. “So these are just definitive moments that deserve, in my opinion, a definitive gesture shall we say.”

There are several UFC stars on the rise as we speak, and it will be interesting to see who “earns” the acknowledgment like Jon Jones and Conor McGregor next as these two superstars near the twilight stages of their MMA careers. Yet, leading up to the conversation, Bruce Buffer told EssentiallySports Fancast why these two belong to a different echelon, separating them from every other fighter who’s ever graced the eight-sided cage.

Why do Jon Jones and Conor McGregor deserve the ‘Buffer Bow’?

“Well, it came to doing that because there are two such icons of the UFC,” Bruce Buffer claimed. As he started off talking about Jon Jones and his contributions and impact in the UFC, the veteran announcer added, “You know, Jon Jones being the GOAT as pretty much everyone’s going to agree with. Aside from the troubles and tribulations he’s been through, he is the GOAT.”

On the Conor McGregor side of things, the less we speak the better. Why? Because the man has done it all – championships, biggest fights, and yes, big-time paychecks. Nothing beats the experience of getting to see ‘The Notorious’ in action. Even Bruce Buffer cannot say enough about the Irish star.

“Conor Mcgregor having the tremendous impact that he’s had, the effect that he’s had on the UFC, bringing this huge amount of PPV buys. With the show coming up in June, it has already sold over $20 million in ticket sales. It’s already the biggest show ever, right?,” said Buffer, while also adding how ‘The Notorious’ set Hollywood on fire with his first movie.


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“Conor McGregor does a movie, ‘Road House’. He’s the highest-paid first-time actor ever, reportedly. Conor McGregor starts his liquor business with Proper Twelve [and] boom! Look at how it took off. I mean, he has a definitive IT factor, which makes him truly the one and only, right? Jon Jones, being the goat that he is, [is] truly the only and only.”

But is there any chance that others, besides McGregor and Jones, to be called “One and Only?” If we are to believe Bruce Buffer himself, yes!

You can explore and purchase Buffer’s ‘It’s Time’ fragrances here, and get a taste of his energy drink here.


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Bruce Buffer has been a part of the fight game since 1996 and is the longest-tenured personality in the UFC. He witnessed plenty of fights and a plethora of fighters, and over the years, he’s come to realize that fighters with outstanding achievements deserve to be recognized for their work, which is something any UFC fighter can achieve if they just put on the same level of commitment to their craft like Conor McGregor and Jon Jones.

Now this is just one of the many stories he told the listeners at EssentiallySports Fancast. Make sure to check out our other articles from the interview with the veteran Octagon announcer.