
Diego Ferreira fought Mateusz Gamrot at UFC Fight Night 199. Their match became quite a highlight for the night as ‘Gamer’ won the fight with a TKO win in the second round. Gamrot collected the TKO through a brutal kick to the rib of the Brazilian. The finish was rather surprising, however, Ferreira has shed light on why he couldn’t continue.

The Brazilian took to Instagram to reveal that he damaged his ribs three weeks prior to the fight. The Fortis MMA representative also stated that the fight was going according to his plans until the decisive blow landed.


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“Hey guys man what a night last night was.. if you guys saw my fight I was fighting my fight me and my coaches plan.. How we planned it, was exactly how everything was going. But 3 weeks a go I hurt my rib in training but didn’t want to pull out from my fight, it wasn’t an option. And yesterday I knew it was a risk, every fighter has been there fighting with injuries and all it took was the right knee and it took my fight away.”

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Meanwhile, the 36-year-old veteran promised to make a better comeback after his recovery. He wrote, “Thank you for the support I know this is not the end. Thank you coach. We recover and get better and stronger! OSs”

What’s ahead for Diego Ferreira?


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The Brazilian has had quite a journey at the UFC as he has been with the promotion since 2014. Diego Ferreira (17-5) was on a six-fight winning streak before 2021. However, he has suffered three consecutive losses in the calendar year. These have come against Beneil Dariush, Gregor Gillespie, and now Mateusz Gamrot.

via Imago

Before coming to the fight, Ferreira believed he would win this match. Despite things not going his way, the 36-year-old has vowed to make a comeback. His desire to fight despite being injured may keep him in a favorable light with the fans and the promotion.


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Do you think Ferreira could have won the match if he wasn’t injured? Tell us in the comments below.