
Former UFC champions Ronda Rousey and Miesha Tate had one of the ugliest rivalries when both fighters were at their peaks. The enmity between the two started when they fought each other at Strikeforce and continued until their UFC days. While Rousey emerged victorious both times they fought, Tate also found success later on becoming the UFC bantamweight champion. 

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Although rivalries are a part of the sport, this one took a really ugly turn when Tate’s boyfriend decided to voice his classless opinions. 


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Bryan Caraway, who was Tate’s boyfriend, was heavily criticized for threatening Rousey in a series of tweets. This took place right before the two women were meant to face each other for the Strikeforce Bantamweight title.

Miesha Tate’s boyfriend Bryan Caraway threatened Ronda Rousey after the latter’s trash talking

Leading up to March 3, 2012, both fighters started a rivalry mainly on social media. With Rousey showing interest in facing Tate for the title along with the hype from the fans, both fighters were chosen to fight in the main event on March 3. Since the lead-up involved a lot of trash talking, Bryan Caraway ended up getting involved as well. Caraway, an MMA fighter himself, was condemned by fans and fighters alike for his comments and tweets directed at Rousey.

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In a series of deleted tweets, Caraway threatened the former Olympian and claimed to knock her teeth down.

“and if she wants to challenge a man I’ll knock her teeth down her throat the break her arm!” read a deleted tweet from Caraway.

In another tweet, he responded to another user claiming that he’d put her in place:“proud of what?? She gonna talk smack she needs to know her place”

Caraway, after threatening her, also insinuated that he was a nice guy. Although fans did not fall for his act and were quick to condemn him.

His tweet read:“oh I dnt hit Women! But she not a woman. She gonna act like a dude she can deal w the consequences. 

To every1 who actually knows me knows I’m a nice guy! I didn’t mean anything bad or threatening and I’m NOT a woman beater At ALL.

 I just believe athetlically and on the same talent level woman can’t overall compete w men. Look at data”


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More on Miesha Tate and Ronda Rousey’s age-old rivalry 

Both Rousey and Tate are considered among the best women’s MMA fighters of all time. Fans might also recollect that the rivalry both shared was among the most heated ones during that time. The enmity initially started when Rousey expressed her desire to face Tate for the Strikeforce Bantamweight title. As trash-talking ensued, it become apparent that they would eventually end up facing each other. 

Rousey was able to defeat Tate both times they fought. The first time she successfully won the Strikeforce title, while the second time she defended her title against Tate. Not surprisingly, Rousey won both times via armbar.


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Although the rivalry between the two was a fan favourite, Caraway’s comments took the limelight away from the athletes for a short while at least. Eventually, Rousey and Tate both went on to find success in their careers and fans were able to leave this incident behind. Caraway clearly deserved all the hate he got for his crass comment, as it was not appropriate for him to threaten Rousey in that manner.