
In a shocking turn of events, renowned mixed martial arts superstar Israel Adesanya found himself at the center of controversy when he was arrested at JFK Airport for possession of a ‘weapon’. The incident, which unfolded as ‘The Last Stylebender’ attempted to board a plane, raised questions about why he had such a prohibited item in his possession. As the story progressed, it became apparent that there was more to the situation than initially met the eye. However, the incident came to a conclusion thanks to Adesanya’s cooperation.

Israel Adesanya arrested for brass knuckles

Israel Adesanya found himself in handcuffs at JFK Airport as he attempted to pass through security last year after his loss against Alex Pereira at UFC 281. Transportation Security Administration[TSA] staff discovered brass knuckles in his possession, an item banned in New York and classified as a Class A misdemeanor.


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USA Today via Reuters

The arrest sent shockwaves through the MMA community and left fans and pundits speculating about the circumstances surrounding the UFC star’s possession of the prohibited weapon.

Why did Adesanya have brass knuckles?

The question on everyone’s mind was why Israel Adesanya had brass knuckles in his possession. As the details emerged, it became clear that Adesanya received the metal knuckles as a gift from a fan. According to his manager, Tim Simpson, Adesanya had placed the item in his luggage without fully realizing the legal implications. When the knuckles were flagged by airport security, Adesanya promptly disposed of them and cooperated with the authorities. This explanation shed light on the seemingly puzzling situation and presented a different perspective on Adesanya’s intentions.

It appeared that Adesanya had unknowingly accepted a gift that could potentially lead to serious consequences. Adesanya’s acceptance of the brass knuckles from a fan without fully understanding their legal implications put him in a precarious position.

Israel Adesanya’s brass knuckles situation at JFK airport gets final resolution


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Despite the initial shock and legal complications surrounding Israel Adesanya’s possession of brass knuckles, the situation reached its final resolution. The Queens District Attorney’s Office issued an adjournment in contemplation of dismissal (ACD), indicating that the case would be dismissed if Adesanya remained out of trouble for the next six months.

This positive turn of events meant that Adesanya would not face criminal charges for the incident. With the matter resolved, Adesanya was on his way back home to New Zealand, relieved that the incident had come to a close.

Read more: “They Put Me in Cuffs”- Months After Arrest, Israel Adesanya Makes a Confession About His Bad Experiences at JFK Airport


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After facing the uncertainty and potential legal repercussions, Israel Adesanya can now breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that he is out of the woods. Adesanya’s case being dismissed and the resolution of the brass knuckles incident allowed him to put this chapter behind him and focus on his future endeavors in the MMA world.

Watch this story: Israel Adesanya and Jon Jones Criss Paths and Get Into a Friendly Tussle