
Stephen A. Smith touches on a wide variety of topics on his show. He offers his perspective on topics not exclusively related to sport. Aside from that, he is a well-known NBA analyst for ESPN SportsCenter. Unfortunately, ESPN is presently in the middle of a series of layoffs. By the end of July, many were let go. That list includes on-air talent such as Mark Jackson and Jeff Van Gundy. Smith reportedly saw enough to be worried about his own future with the organization at one point.

While thinking out loud on his podcast, Smith stumbled upon a subject that has divided opinion. The snippet of the show uploaded to Twitter was a minute long. In it, he put forward his views on the topic right at the end. The host of First Take on ESPN tackled the subject of marriage in that section of the clip.

Tying the knot? Not at all!


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On this occasion, Stephen A. Smith opined men aren’t the sort to chase after marriage. According to him, it is just not an appealing proposition to them. However, he opted not to divulge the reasoning behind said choice.

Smith noted, in the present, it would be nigh on impossible to find men interested in tying the proverbial knot. According to him, the interests of men lay elsewhere. That explained, he claimed, why men were steering clear of the bonds of holy matrimony. He pointed out that unless absolutely necessary, men will do everything possible to avoid getting married.

Stephen A. Smith’s exceptions to the rule


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Simultaneously, Smith adhered to the view that men will make exceptions to that rule. The notable exceptions, of course, are women, according to him. Assuming a man is actively pursuing a woman, Smith noted he will bend any rule. If a man is interested in a woman, Stephen A. Smith added, he would not mind getting married. He emphasized that should not be seen as any fascination with the institution of marriage, however. Interestingly, Smith is still unmarried. Simultaneously, he has two children.

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Stephen A. Smith said in the clip, “You ain’t gonna find dudes that’s about marriage, because men are not really interested in marriage. What they’re interested in is you, and because it’s you, they’re willing to get married.


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The question of matrimony is now dividing opinion. While some may be all for it, according to Stephen A. Smith, most of the men are not. The ones who are will have exceptional circumstances that take them down that path. Smith believes the exceptional circumstances will be women that the men intentionally pursue. All that remains is to see if these statements stand the test of time. It may well be the case that there is a grain of truth in his proclamation. One such grain will not gospel truth make, sadly.

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