
Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt, who got married in June 2019, have been known to express their love for each other in various ways. Whether it’s through social media posts, public appearances, or thoughtful gestures, the couple often updates their fans about their love life. However, Chris Pratt has recently decided to switch things up and surprise his wife with a humorous twist.

This time, the son-in-law of Arnold Schwarzenegger came up with a unique plan to surprise his wife using a jewelry box he received as a gift during a trip to Korea. Chris Pratt’s latest surprise plan is quite funny and highlights the mischievous and comedic side of the actor.

Chris Pratt’s mischievous gift for wife 


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Chris Pratt is on a trip to Korea for the promotion of his latest movie “Guardian Of the Galaxy” and the star actor received a beautiful traditional Korean jewelry box as an anonymous gift from a fan. He was clearly impressed by the beautiful item. However, known for his playful and humorous personality, Pratt decided to make better use of the gift. The Hollywood actor thought that the jewelry box would be a good souvenir for his wife Katherine. 

But instead of telling her the truth Pratt thought of impressing his wife by pretending as if he bought the jewelry box for Katherine himself. In his recent Instagram story, Pratt revealed that the plan was to surprise Katherine with the gift and let her believe that Chris Pratt had bought it for her. “I would give it to Catherine as if I had found it while shopping”, he said in the story. 

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He also added that Katherine would have no idea about his secret plan as she doesn’t follow him on Instagram. While it is not clear whether Pratt was serious or not, the video has again brought out his creative yet mischievous side. Chris Pratt’s mischievous yet loving idea was to add an element of humor to their relationship and bring a smile to Katherine’s face. 


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Pratt’s love language

Chris Pratt, well-known for his parts in popular films like “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Jurassic World,” has frequently drawn attention for his amazing body and commitment to exercise. Katherine Schwarzenegger claims that Chris finds more ways to express his passion and love than only the gym. She revealed in an interview that Chris loves to cook and that it has grown to be one of their favorite routines. “It’s definitely a love language for him so it’s worked out really well that I am not as good as him.”, she said. 

via Imago

Pratt’s efforts are beautiful reminders that love can be expressed in various ways. As they continue to share meals and create memories through their unique idea, Chris and Katherine’s love story continues to warm hearts and grab headlines.


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