
Martial art legend Bruce Lee made a mammoth impact on the world with his martial art skills, acting, and his philosophies on life. All of the master?s beliefs were based on being true to oneself and adapting to the situations without letting the circumstances affect you. Recently, one of Lee?s quotes on personal honesty made rounds on the internet, with fans remembering the legend?s wise thoughts.

On April 15, Bruce Lee’s memoir Facebook page shared a self-development quote by the master. On reading it, fans expressed their view on Lee?s thought process.

What were the master?s golden words on self-honesty?


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Bruce Lee firmly stood by certain ethics which he followed throughout his career. Self-honesty was something that he followed whichever field he chose. Lee?s latest quote on his Facebook page also talked about the same. It read, ?What the hell, you are what you are, and self-honesty occupies a definite and vital part in the ever-growing process to become a human being and not a plastic one.?

The master believed that being true to oneself effectively contributes to shaping an individual into a fine human being. Bruce Lee indicated that individuals who lied to themselves were living a hollow life, comparing them to plastic.

In many instances, Lee has mentioned the importance of this introspective quality. During his famous Berton Pierre interview(1971), the master criticized the idea of showing off. Instead, Lee expressed that no matter how much people show off, they are aware of their reality in their minds. Hence, being true to themselves mattered the most. He admitted that it was one of the toughest things to abide by, but he also knew that it made an individual a lot more powerful.

Read More: ?Sometimes I think I?m Bruce..?: Even After Decades of His Untimely Demise, Fans Still Can?t Get Over His Huge Impact


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Agreeing with Lee?s philosophy, fans expressed their admiration for him and his ideas.

Fans admire Bruce Lee?s thoughts

Fans resonated with the master’s thoughts. One user?expressed that he loved Lee?s sayings and also his charm, ?Bruce Lee is a philosopher, I like to read what he has written. What a great smile.? Many believed that Lee was the most perfect man in the world. ?Human language for perfect man? and “Amen Brother Bruce, speak the truth!!!!”?were common sentiments.?Someone appreciated the master?s golden words, ?He always said it so well”, while other fans admired Lee?s wise words, saying, ?Always wise and encouraging??and “Very Wise Information”.


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Whether it was the master?s ?Be Like Water? or ?Empty your mind? philosophy, he truly showed his followers a way to honestly deal with their problems. His philosophies are so effective that people across the world still follow them.