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Simone Biles, the gymnastics icon’s biggest competitor is her own previous performances. She widened her horizon at every given opportunity and attempted to try challenging moves. Blessed with a perfect body for the sport, she left people in awe at her skills including her coaches. The seven-time Olympic medallist owes her success greatly to her coaches.

For 11 years, from the age of 8, Simone was coached by Aimee Boorman. They split after the 2016 Rio Olympics. Thereafter Biles was coached by the French husband-wife team of Laurent and Cecile Landi. In a recent post on her Instagram story, the gymnastics G.O.A.T shared a heart-warming bond with her coaches. She penned an uplifting message wishing her coach, Cecile Landi, a very happy birthday.   


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Coach Landi had Simone’s back

During the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, when Simone said that she couldn’t continue in the competition any longer, Landi heard her. The coach helped Biles get clarity on her decision by having her speak to a doctor, and then to the gymnastics officials. Although Biles was urged to continue in the Games, Landi stood by her and had her back. Fair to say, Simone, put it straight from her heart in her Instagram story.

It read, “Thanks for being one of the best mentors I know. You’re the best. Drink some wine for me.” In an interview, Landi expressed sheer astonishment at Simone’s guts in being honest about her condition despite enormous pressure. “I don’t think I would have had the guts to say I’m not okay.”  Landi continued that she would have just crashed and hurt herself.

READ MORE: Simone Biles Once Revealed People Often Misjudge Her Overseas Gymnastics Trips to Be Never-Ending Fun: “All I Saw Was the Arena”

According to her, Simone is the first one at a meet at the biggest stage to say that she was not okay. Regrettably, she said that many people don’t understand it unlike them. 

Simone Biles gives tips on working with coaches


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The four-time Olympic gold medalist believes that communication and trust are the two most important aspects of the coach/athlete relationship. She emphasizes the need to communicate. Simone said that there were many times she wished she had communicated a little better with her coaches on her sickness, illness, or injuries. Moreover, coaches have to push one out of their comfort zone and challenge them.

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Without proper communication, they could keep pushing not knowing about the condition. It is an unhealthy practice “because of the longer amount of time that you’re going to be resting, and you’re going to be out rather than if you fix it.”


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WATCH THIS STORY: Simone Biles Drops Hints on Her Honeymoon Destination with Jonathan Owens

Simone also points out how thoughtful coaches are. She said, “They always say that mental health and your health come first before you walk into the gym and can become a good gymnast.” She added that it ultimately comes down to safety.