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Even the most successful personalities have faced struggles at some point. Success does not arrive without certain obstacles. Many Olympic gold medalists have crossed countless hurdles in order to become successful. Therefore, it is important to recognize the conditions that got them to where they stand today. A shining example of this is star gymnast Simone Biles.

In her book, Courage to Soar: A Body in Motion, A Life in Balance, Simone talked about some of her unique experiences during childhood. In one such chapter, the star described an intervention by Social Services and how it changed her life.


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They sent Simone Biles and her siblings to foster care

Simone clearly recalled how that day changed everything. Things seemed normal when suddenly a group of social workers entered the house and rounded up her and her siblings. The gymnast’s neighbors had called Social Service because the children were facing neglect from their mother, Shannon. While Simone was only 3 then, she understood the gravity of the situation. Child Protection Services stepped in and escorted the children to foster care.

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The gymnast recalled, “Neighbors called social services and said we were being neglected, because they saw the four of us were often alone, little kids playing out in the street with no supervision.” After the CPS intervened, they placed the siblings under foster care. While it wasn’t easy for anyone, things changed for the better.

Read More: “Our Gymnastics Life Span Was Shorter”: Simone Biles Had a Tough Time Accepting Unfair Difference Between Men and Women in the Sport

Simone’s grandparents, Nellie and Ronald Biles, ended up adopting the star gymnast and her sister Adria. Although foster care separated the siblings, they stuck around with each other. Simone soon discovered her love for gymnastics.


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Simone’s relationship with Nellie and Ronald Biles

The gymnast shares a strong bond with her family. She has always been grateful for them and their contribution to her betterment.


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While they were her grandparents, Nellie and Ronald grew extremely close to the gymnast. They supported her at every obstacle and stood by her at every challenge. Therefore, when Simone dropped out of the Tokyo Olympics in 2021, her grandparents were proud of her courage.

Watch this story: “I’ll never forget this day”: Simone Biles’ most memorable day in pictures