
Facing a shark would be the last thing any surfer would want while surfing in the ocean. And like facing one shark was not enough, an ace surfer once faced two sharks in 2021. Yes! In an unfortunate instance, a South African surfer was attacked by two white sharks while playing with waves.

The surfing world has witnessed countless cases of surfers falling victim to the ocean monster’s vicious jaws. Shannon Ainslie, the South African surfer-turned-actor, witnessed the wrath of the monstrous creature and snatched his life from the jaws of death. The surfer was just 15 years old when the traumatic incident happened. 


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Two white sharks came out of nowhere while Shannon Ainslie was surfing

Back in 2021, The Guardian report revealed the incident that happened at the Nahoon Reef, a favorite spot for surfers as well as sharks. “The reef is famous among surfers for its powerful waves and popularity with sharks”, Ainslie said via the Guardian. The 37-year-old was aware of the dangers, but the waves kept appealing to him. Eventually, he decided to go for it. 

The attack took place while the Arctic surfer was aiming for a big wave; he recalled. “As I was about to hit it(wave), two four-metre great white sharks attacked me.”, Ainslie recalled. The spontaneity of the action surprised him as he went tossing up in the air. He further recalled that one shark grabbed his arm and started pulling him into the water. However, the attack from the second shark resulted in his favor as the first one lost his grip. The second shark somehow ended up saving the surfer’s life.

Read More: “Just Red With Blood”: Poisonous Stingray Attack Turned Surfing Experience Into a Nightmare for a Perth Surfer in 2019

However, Alison was still inside the water next to the deadly creatures. The shock of the attack was too much to handle for him. He recalled the moment of staring the shark straight in the face. “Its mouth was wide open, I could see a huge set of teeth and a dark black eye”, he recounted. The shark tried to grab him with its teeth but the surfer doughed and managed to get away. 

Ainslie managed to get out on his own

Shannon Ainslie somehow managed to get away from the jaws of two monstrous creatures. But he was still in the danger zone. He was bleeding having through the wound on his arm. “There was a tear in my wetsuit and blood was rushing out of it,” he wrote. The surfer had no one around him for rescue and was all alone in the blue ocean. “I was shaking, crying and panicking…” the surfer remembered.


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The African actor managed to grab the last ounce of his strength and look for waves to push him to the shore. He soon caught a big wave and started paddling. The surfer could feel the water running down his bone. The excruciating pain was too much to bear but was very less than the fear of dying in the jaws. He made it to the dry land and was taken to the hospital. 


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The horrifying incident had very little impact on the surfer’s confidence, as he did not give surfing. He admitted that his fear of sharks vanished after he survived. The Arctic surfer went to Norway to teach the national surfing team.