
Was Suni Lee’s post-Olympics doubt a result of a lack of confidence?I think I just put in my head that I didn’t deserve to win,” she revealed in 2022, reflecting on the aftermath of her Tokyo Olympics triumph. Lee, who secured three medals in Tokyo, including one of each color, expressed how skepticism surrounding her victory in 2021, deeply affected her, stating, “I feel like after the Olympics, there’s just been so much doubt…and it really hits my soul.” She further added, “Like impostor syndrome,” Lee candidly admitted, describing the internal battle she faced post-Olympics.

Fast forward two years, another track and field athlete, Gabby Thomas, finds herself grappling with similar feelings. Despite winning bronze and silver medals at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, Thomas confessed, “I haven’t always been a star, hinting at her struggles with self-doubt. However, she bravely opened up about the details of her journey, shedding light on the challenges many athletes face beyond the podium.

Fact: Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as frauds, despite evident success. Emma Watson and David Bowie also have this syndrome.


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Gabby Thomas’ inspiring journey of self-belief and perseverance

Gabby Thomas shared her journey in a recent interview with Olympics.com, revealing how she constantly challenges herself by stepping into unfamiliar territories. “Every time I enter a new space, I’m challenging myself and putting myself in a space that I’m not comfortable with,” she explained. This mindset was particularly evident during her undergraduate years at Harvard, where she studied neurobiology and global health.

Surrounded by some of the world’s brightest students, Thomas often felt out of place. “I was in a room with the best students literally in the world. So, of course, I felt like I didn’t belong there, she recalled. Nevertheless, she persevered, working tirelessly to overcome her feelings of inadequacy until she finally felt she belonged.

After Boston, Thomas moved to Austin, Texas, to train with Olympians and pursue her Olympic aspirations. This transition reignited her feelings of being an imposter. “When I moved here, I was not an Olympian. I wasn’t even close to an Olympian. Nobody was talking about me making the Olympic team. So when I moved down here and told people, ‘I’m training for the Olympics,’ I felt like an imposter” she admitted.

Despite never having made a U.S. team before, Thomas dedicated herself to bridging that gap, ultimately achieving her goals. Thomas highlights that she’s transformed from not feeling like an Olympian or a medal contender to embracing those titles. As she sets her sights on the Olympic Games in Paris 2024, Thomas is ready to claim the Olympic gold. Yet, this revelation started and was recognized initially by Suni Lee.


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How did Suni Lee overcome this syndrome?

After the Tokyo Olympics, Lee then moved to college life at Auburn University but that too was fraught with challenges, as she grappled with the overwhelming weight of expectations and the intrusive nature of newfound fame. As she puts it, I would have anxiety attacks at the meets.Lee’s candid revelations shed light on the toll fame and expectations took on her mental well-being.

The constant attention and pressure triggered anxiety attacks, hindering her performance on the college gymnastics stage. When everybody expects you to be good for Auburn, it’s really hard for me just mentally, because I already put so much pressure on myself that when I have that extra pressure stress added on to it, I just kind of break,” she said.


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Lee’s vulnerability underscores the importance of recognizing athletes’ humanity beyond their accolades. Despite her struggles, Lee’s resilience shines through as she employs coping mechanisms like journaling to overcome this syndrome.

However, both of them, Gabby and Suni faced this but still achieved much in their lives. They have even set their future goals. Suni Lee is striving to carve her niche in Paris, while Gabby Thomas is poised and prepared to showcase his talents in the City of Light. Their journeys promise to intrigue and the inspiration that only true legends can provide.