
World Wrestling Champion Kyle Dake has lately been tapping into and grappling with several artistic and philosophical concepts of life. Interestingly, the 32-year-old is actually deriving all these pieces of wisdom from his own way of life and how he wrestles on the mats. Recently, however, the US wrestler held a helping hand from the creative work of a musical maestro who has been delighting the world for decades.

Kyle Dake has won the world wrestling championship four times and is looking forward to winning the gold in Paris as well. However, the 32-year-old is currently relaxing in the off-season and enjoying his time with his family. A new social media post saw Dake talking about a beautiful understanding of art. In fact, the NLWC wrestler forged his new take on it after reading a book by the legendary musician Rick Rubin.

Kyle Dake brings his creative side to light


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Kyle Dake added a new video to his Instagram page. The wrestler could be seen basking in the sun with Rick Rubin’s ‘The Creative Act’ on his side. The post carried the caption, “The ability to create in wrestling is one of the reasons I continue to do what I do. I’ve never been an “artsy” guy, but I’ve been able to channel my creativity into existence with wrestling.”


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Giving credit to Rubin, Kyle Dake added, “One of the lessons @rickrubin teaches about is creating for yourself and because you want to. Nearly all of my creativity and “work” is never seen by the public. It’s behind closed doors, constant brush strokes, and repetitions to create something I enjoy and want to share with the world.”

Lastly, Kyle Dake completed his narration by joining the last lines of his caption with the first ones. “I create based on the context of my life, sometimes it’s high energy, other times is slow and methodical. Matching my creativity with the context of my life has always given me the most satisfaction regardless of wins and losses.” 

Aside from the many realizations reached by Kyle Dake from ‘The Creative Way’ by Rick Rubin, Kyle Dake has been indulging in a lot of introspection and thinking lately. The loss Dake suffered at the 2023 World Wrestling Championship definitely frustrated Dake a lot. However, the American grappler has moved closer to peace in the off-season. In fact, he has been adding more and more content to his philosophical Instagram page, The Dake Doc.


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Looking back at where the 4x World Champ started his journey from

Kyle Dake had added a reel via his official account and his philosophical account on Instagram. The video showed a glimpse into several moments of Dake’s career while he gave a poetic voiceover. He said, “In the quiet spaces between the hustle, you find yourself standing at a crossroads, realizing you’re not the same person who began this journey.” 

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The concluding line of his voiceover said, “It’s a gentle reminder that growth doesn’t announce itself. You have to pause and acknowledge the chapters you’ve written.” This comes off as a big lesson in gratitude for Kyle Dake, who was in a bad mood after his loss to 2023 World Champ Zaurbek Sidakov. Turning this newfound realization and spiritual growth into vigor, Dake will look forward to winning his first Olympic gold at the grand stage of Paris.

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