
Riding a cycle on the road is supposed to be a peaceful and fun activity, as one feels the calming breeze brush their face. However, things are not the same in the real world. Ask the cycling community how they feel and they will narrate a story that sounds the complete opposite of pleasant. Cyclist safety has proven to be one of the biggest issues plaguing people in the United States.

Multiple reports of cyclists meeting with accidents or fatally losing their lives have emerged in the last few years. Things only seem to be getting worse, and today’s video is a testament to the same. The way a car smashed into a cyclist has only raised concerns about the lack of proper road safety measures from the authorities.

Rider gets hit from behind in road rage cycling crash


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With no proper marking on the roads, cyclist and car drivers on the road have clashed several times. One such instance of a car driver and a cyclist clashing has gone viral on social media.

The twelve second clip showed the moment a frustrated car driver pressed the accelerator after spotting a cyclist in their lane. The video was recorded from inside the car. As the clip progressed, we could hear the driver venting out his frustration at the cyclists. Eventually, the man’s anger seems to have gotten the better of him as he went ahead at full speed. Without a hint of hesitation, the man let his car crash into the unaware cyclist. The cyclist, caught completely off guard, tumbled on the floor and his cycle toppled over a few times. The impact took out another cyclist ahead of him too, as the video ended with both the cyclist on the road.

It was indeed a horrific and scary incident to watch. We don’t have any updates about the health of the cyclist, but we hope they escaped without major injuries.

Users online in shock watching the horrific crash

Last month too, a cyclist was involved in a terrible crash on the highway after making a sharp and late turn. The video showed the cyclist making a swift exit to the right at the last minute. Unaware of the truck behind him, he crashed into the vehicle and ended up falling down brutally.

ALSO READ: Scotland Cyclist’s Record-Breaking Passion While Recovering From Tragic Hit-and-Run Ordeal

In this today’s video, however, online users believed that the car driver was at fault and not the cyclist. Let’s take a look at what they had to say.

This user said that it was the driver’s fault, since he hit him from the back. The car driver did hit the cyclist in full awareness, though.

The user called it extremely terrible. Of course, a road crash is not a pleasant sight to behold.

Another expressed a personal opinion that it was totally not cool of the driver to do that.

Another stated that the driver’s frustration can be understood, but crashing into the cyclist was not the right solution.


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This user said that all he needed to do was honk.


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Cyclists riding on the road have certainly not enjoyed a safe time. Their favourite hobby has turned into a deadly pass time and incidents like these just highlight their perils. Do you have any such experience of your own to share? Comment and let us know.

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