
Sparking a turmoil of tragedies, the serene slopes of Mount Marapi witnessed several lives cut short in a sudden eruption. While the Indonesian volcano transformed the surrounding tranquility into a scene of deadly chaos, it left many climbers grappling with life-threatening consequences. 

On Sunday, December 3, reports of a furious eruption claiming lives surfaced in the news, posing fateful impacts on climbing enthusiasts and locals in the region. While a stinging count of dead bodies was recovered after the calamity, 12 adventurers were noted missing. Regrettably, this wrathful taunt of nature did not happen involuntarily, as the fierce stream of lava was seemingly unleashed by a group of reckless ascenders. 

Unplanned climbing creates havoc like never before 


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Prior to the eruption, warnings were already in place, signaling the potential dangers of climbing the complex volcanic mountain. Evidently, Mount Marapi had hovered at the third-highest alert level since 2011, depicting a forewarned note of elevated lava activities. 

Read More: Mountain climbing takes a wrong turn after climber gets buried by falling rocks

While the local authorities strictly barred hikers and adventurers from heading within 3 km from the peak, their nightmares came true when a group decided to brush the rules off. Hendra Gunawan, head of the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation, reiterated that climbing beyond the danger zone was forbidden.

Despite the alerts and prohibitions, many individuals had been attempting the route. While they were mostly driven by personal desires that surpassed caution, no prior stance had revealed such havoc before. However, when a ruthless crew of 75 climbing enthusiasts embarked on their ascent of 2,900 meters, fate had its own plans, unveiling a perilous situation of lava flow. 

Dreadful rescue mission with unforeseen casualties 

As the eruption caught them unaware, the climbing team was left stranded by Marapi’s inevitable fury, triggering an urgent need for rescue. Following the tragedy, 11 unresponsive bodies were located on December 4, as narrated by West Sumatra’s Search and Rescue Agency head Abdul Malik. 


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Additionally, the search mission kept going for the missing climbers, while three others from the team were brought to safety on Monday morning. With Mount Marapi spewing colossal columns of ash soaring up to 3,000 meters, rescuers made swift responses, evacuating survivors while contending with hazardous conditions. 

Blanketing nearby towns in a thick layer of volcanic debris, the darkening stance further spread over several miles around the climbing area. Shockingly, eight of these helpers suffered painful burns in the process, while one sustained a broken limb. Rescuers swiftly responded, evacuating survivors while contending with hazardous conditions. 


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Poignantly, eight of those rescued suffered burns, and one even sustained a broken limb. In the wake of the climbing disaster, authorities distributed masks to shield residents from the fallout, urging them to protect their eyes from the ash-laden air. As the search and rescue operation continued fervently, locals prayed for the missing climbers’ revival while mourning the massive loss of almost a dozen lives. 

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