
A robbery of an electric bike has been reported near Leeds recently. According to the information gathered, the bike belonged to an old pensioner named Meryl Knapp. The woman is said to be 82 years old and the theft has reportedly caused her significant financial and mental loss. While the bike itself was quite expensive, Knapp developed a strong sense of attachment to her equipment. She was so heartbroken to see her beloved bike stolen. The elderly woman pointed out that she was feeling vulnerable after the incident.

When Meryl Knapp went to the Aldi supermarket located near Kirkstall on January 25, little did she know about the mishap that was to follow. Without thinking much, Knapp parked her bike and locked it firmly before going inside the market. However, as she was busy shopping, the woman got the shock of her life. Knapp was informed by store personnel that her bicycle was being stolen.


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As she rushed outside, the 82-year-old was pained to see her bike gone, as the miscreants used an angle grinder to get their job done. Luckily for her, as the thieves were fleeing on her lime-colored bicycle, a motorist caught the entire act on camera. This would now serve as a vital clue and help the West Yorkshire Police locate the thieves. According to Knapp’s estimate, the theft has caused her financial losses of around £2600.

The 82-year-old has obtained several printouts of her bike and has put them up throughout the locality for any possible assistance. The bike was, in so many ways, close to her heart.


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Meryl Knapp reflects on her intimacy with her bike

Speaking about what the bike meant to her, Knapp stated that the bike was an integral part of her life. To keep herself fit and active, Knapp registered with a cycling community and purchased an electric bike to be on par with the others. Knapp further stated,The two cycle rides a week are the highlight of my week, so I try not to miss them.”

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As she mourns the loss of her dearest equipment, Knapp also states that she cannot afford to keep a distance from her cycling activity for long. Thus, she plans on purchasing a new bike while expressing immense displeasure towards the people who deliberately chose to steal her bike.

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