
Shoplifting is one of the common problems every store faces. Different people come into a store and quietly shoplift things. However, in most shops, the security is tight and people find it tough to walk away with things. One such video has taken the internet by storm.

In the video, a youngster tries to steal from a mall. As soon as he tries to run away, he gets tackled by the customers. He looked baffled and tries to fight back but fails miserably. The video has already amassed 307.1k views on Twitter.

Fantastic Teamwork on Display


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The video shows clearly how two men stopped the person from shoplifting.While one man tackled him while the other swiftly took away the clothes. Also, the precision of the tackle was nearly perfect. It looked like an NFL tackle which kind of rattled the shoplifter. Luckily, the shoplifter did not carry any sort of arms with himself. However, in such situations, people often carry guns or knives with themselves.

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As the video progresses, the shoplifter tries to run after he gets caught. However, to his surprise, the customer held him really strong, which makes it tough for him. It’s good to see people coming forward and helping people in such situations. With fantastic teamwork, they caught the young man.

Eventually, the police also step in and called for support. The video is only 32 seconds long but has already gone viral. Although the shoplifter did not look that dangerous, precautions needed to be taken. There have been incidents in the past where shoplifters have actually fired shots at the shop owners. However, in this case, the shoplifter looked more like a student rather than a criminal. Necessary precautions need to be taken in order to stop such incidents.

Fans Have Reacted to the Shoplifting Incident

Fans have reacted to the whole incident and have given their reaction.

One user advises not to risk your life for clothes.

Tattz commented ‘Good Job.’

Hans Miller also appreciated the effort of both customers.

One user commented it serves him right.


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Another user commented now that’s justice after the shoplifter failed.


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All these incidents need to be dealt like this. Unless the society comes up and helps each other, it is impossible to control this. Shoplifting is a prevailing disease and has major setbacks. Let us know about your thoughts about this issue.

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