
In an adventure that defies gravity and expectations, Katy Jean, a daring journalist, embarked on a recent audacious journey. With less than 24 hours’ notice, Jean found herself soaring through the skies, but not as a passenger. Jean’s skydiving feat marked her as the host of a unique interview that was conducted midair. This thrilling endeavor took place high above the stunning landscapes of Nova Scotia, Canada.

Jean’s whirlwind adventure began with an idea that had been brewing for a year. Last summer, she tasted the thrill of skydiving during a tandem jump with The Atlantic School of Skydiving. The unparalleled experience was vividly stored in her mind, with Jean willing to repeat a trial at the sport. Her latest drive, however, was not a usual diving trip. What set it apart was Katy Jean’s discovery after looking at the GoPro footage, which had picked up snippets of conversation during her exhilarating descent.

Skydiving soiree on recording mid-air discussions


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Although her realization sparked a visible media opportunity, Katy Jean never anticipated what lay ahead. According to reports, Dave Williamson, the operator of The Atlantic School of Skydiving, also joined her for another jump after she wrote about the initial experience. Jean approached him with a shocking proposition, wishing to commend an interview about skydiving while performing the sport. Surprisingly enough, Williamson accepted the atrocious challenge.

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The Atlantic School of Skydiving, nestled in Maitland, boasts a striking red hangar standing out like a postage stamp on a lush green runway. While the plane serving as the duo’s launchpad landed and took off on the same grassy field, their experience, far from a gentle descent, began its course. Along with the feeling of a rogue trampoline ride during a hurricane, the record rainfall during the summer had even turned the terrain into a mushy challenge. Although Jean’s ambitious plan seemed to be threatened, the skydiving enthusiast never chose to give up. 


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A free fall of triumphs 

In September, Katy Jean desperately tried to seize an opportunity when Williamson had a free slot. With determination bordering on stubbornness, she soon embarked on a last-minute scramble to prepare. As the plane rumbled to life on this auspicious day, Jean’s mind raced to figure out how to capture this unique interview. Goggles on, legs dangling into the clouds, she felt the moment of truth had arrived as they plummeted from the sky, flying at almost 1400 ft.

Free-falling like a natural equation of physics, Jean managed to retrieve her recording equipment despite the incredible speed and turbulence. The parachute soon deployed, inducing both alarm and relief for the skydiving duo. Finally, they had a chance to conduct the interview. With the Shubenacadie River below them, Jean and Williamson began their conversation, capturing the essence of the sport. Dave Williamson, who started his skydiving journey in 1975, shared his passion for the sport, stating simply, “Because it’s fun.” 


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Revealing his estimate of over 11,000 jumps, they gradually prepared to land safely as Jean and Williamson shared a laugh about the exhilarating experience. Back on solid ground, Jean’s steady hand with the camera impressed her colleague Trish, who remarked that she was not even shaking. In a well-witted response, Katy Jean shared her preference for conducting interviews one parachute at a time. Taking journalism to new heights, Jean’s unprecedented feat of courage and innovation made a landmark in the depths of the sky. 

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