
Disagreements at the workplace are not new. They happen all over the world in almost every industry that exists. There will always be a group of employees who are unhappy with their treatment by the superiors. Sometimes they sit quietly and endure, but there are instances where it escalates to a level of no return.

One person caught one such instance of an employee removing his frustrations on his boss on camera. From the looks of it, it can be assumed that the altercation was between a construction worker and his supervisor, and it ended with UFC styled punches.

Employee vs Boss in office showdown


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Shared on X, the clip uploaded by ‘GLOBALFIGHTS showed the employee and the supervisor in the middle of a heated argument. The supervisor made the first move of violence, delivering an elbow punch that would make a UFC fighter proud.

The employee then did not hold back and replied in his own violent manner. All he needed was something to start it up, and he got exactly that.

He then proceeded to deliver multiple punches to his boss, knocking him in the head and torso, like in a UFC fight. The clip ended within just five seconds, so it became unclear as to who won the battle. One thing is certainly clear: the employee did pack a punch and was no novice when it came to fighting.

Netizens react to UFC showdown at workplace

It’s unclear whether they settled their differences and made peace. The employee could very well have lost his job for retaliating against his superior.

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With such an audacious display of violence from an employee, users online had a lot to say about it. Let’s grab a look at some of the reactions.

This user said the employee was the one who escalated things.

Another said the punches were quite light.

A third said the boss learned a valuable lesson. A leader should always listen to his team and take their concerns seriously.

The employee’s punching skills seem to have impressed this user. He certainly left his boss by surprise with his powerful punches.


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This user shared a GIF to make their thoughts about the video clear. The boss found out what happens when you mess with a disgruntled employee.


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The atmosphere at a workplace is usually a serious and peaceful place. However, this video is a testament to the fact that compassion comes a long way. It doesn’t matter whether you are the boss. If your actions are not well measured, it is always good to keep in mind the great Sir Isaac Newton’s third law: “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

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