
A prominent British body language expert has shared insights into Prince Harry’s recent appearance. This was at the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup in Singapore. He ended up noting moments of isolation and unease. The annual polo event, which raises funds for Sentebale—an organization founded by the Duke of Sussex in 2006. This is to support children and youth affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. Prince Harry engages in a friendly match against his close companion and fellow polo player, Nacho Figueras.

Prince Harry and a change in behaviour

Competing for the Royal Salute Sentebale team, Prince Harry faced off against Figueras. They led the Singapore Polo Club’s team. The game concluded in a seven-seven draw. Afterwards, Prince Harry was observed walking alone, displaying signs of uncertainty about his next steps. Notably, when the team received a trophy for their collective efforts, Prince Harry clung to it, showing a reluctance to share the spotlight—excluding Mr Figueras.


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Judi James, a reputable body language expert, suggests that Prince Harry’s actions during these moments in Singapore reflect his relative inexperience. This inexperience is in navigating situations outside the royal family’s structure. James conveyed her insights to the Express newspaper, emphasizing that Prince Harry might lack established body language cues. She noted his attempt to attract attention through a subtle non-verbal joke. This was symbolized by his playful gesture of pretending to struggle under the trophy’s weight. However, not all participants engaged with him, with some players ignoring him and even one employing a dismissive hand gesture as he walked away.

James also discerns a glimpse of Prince Harry’s ability to assert himself—a trait honed during his time as a working royal—by his reluctance to share the trophy despite it being a collective achievement.


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A gradual decline 

James observed Prince Harry’s Asian tour, which commenced in Tokyo. The body language expert contrasts his experiences in Singapore with those in Japan. His interactions with Nacho Figueras seem to infuse him with joy, as they engage in conversations while strolling. This dynamic, along with the visible connection Prince Harry establishes with his fans, signifies his affinity for celebrity-style attention and approval.

Also, read: Prince Harry’s £189 Shoes Shine During His Polo Match in Singapore


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In summary, the Sentebale ISPS Handa Polo Cup in Singapore provided insights into Prince Harry’s evolving public persona. This was outside the royal context. While moments of isolation and uncertainty were evident, his assertive traits and ability to garner attention were also on display. Contrasting his experiences, the body language expert highlights his positive response to public acclaim in Japan, further illuminating the multifaceted nature of Prince Harry’s interactions during his recent engagements.

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