
When people decide to visit their local food joint, be it at Wendy’s, Popeye’s, or even IHOP, they expect to have their cravings satisfied and a stomach full of joy. Visiting your local food joint is like an outing for many and a day that one can eat guilt-free.

What a person won’t expect is to see the food outlet turning into a WWE ring, with people going crazy at each other. Of late, however, this has become more than just a one-off incident but a regular occurrence.

IHOP or WWE ring?


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A viral video doing the rounds online showed the moment a peaceful outlet of IHOP with customers enjoying their food, turned into a WWE WrestleMania match against two men.

Uploaded on Twitter, now X, the video was shared by the page ‘Crazy Memes, Crazy Fights’, and boy, was it baffling alright. The video started peacefully with people sitting happily and munching on their meals before a man stood up and slapped another with all his might. People in the store let out a collective gasp.

A worker from IHOP tried to stop the men from fighting but failed. The duo went into a full-fledged battle with each other and were in no mood to back down. They went into a punching frenzy and had no regard for the safety of the surrounding people.

They pushed and kicked each other and, in the process, created a total mess in the food joint. People present just watched all the WWE-esque violence unfold.

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Netizens react to pointless violence

Violence in food outlets is once again becoming a regular occurrence. Workers and customers have taken the liberty to remove their frustrations and completely decimate the outlet to remove their anger and frustrations.

Netizens were quick to react to the pointless and unwanted violence in IHOP. Here are some of the top reactions of the food joint violence.

Mk said the store should call themselves I-bop after this.

Andy was furious that people were trying to stop the person who got slapped instead of the other man.

Dean made a sarcastic comment about how shocked he was with what he just saw.

James said the man who slapped him was just too big to start a fight.


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The cameraman did not impress this user with their recording skills.


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It is unclear what happened with the violent duo after the clash, but one thing is sure: they ruined a peaceful and suitable evening for everyone else present. Law and order, in such situations, goes for a complete toss.

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