
A day in the park is supposed to be a fun filled, happy outing, one with laughter and joy. Rarely would you associate going out in the park as a violent affair. So much so, that can escalate into a full-blown WWE-esque fight. Surprised? Well, don’t be as strange things happen in the world and today’s video is a stark reminder of the same. Today’s story involves a female duo out in the park who had plans other than enjoying some quality time.

A viral video showed a couple of friends turned enemies battling it out right in the middle of a park, as several people watched with varied expressions. Some cheered, and some looked at them with confusion. The whole scenario was absolutely chaotic.

Women channels inner WWE spirit in the park


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Uploaded on X by the page ‘GLOBALFIGHTS’, the video started with two women caught in what looked like a WWE styled lock, with one on top of the other, forcing the other one to submit.

The woman on top tried to knee the other in her stomach and hit her with a flurry of punches to the face. This looked eerily similar to the time when Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair locked horns in the WWE squared circle. The person recording the entire park scuffle kept screaming something that wasn’t quite clear.

As soon as the fight broke, people rushed in from the background, completely unfazed by the chaos. Surprisingly enough, their body languages pointed to the fact that they want the fight to continue. Finally, a man interrupted the fight as they stood up and were successful at separating them. However, this was not the first time a brawl in the park broke out.

One such fight in the park took place not too long ago. It was a friendly bout between two friends that ended brutally for one of them. Battling to see who is the better fighter was, they unleashed their fighting skills and in the process, one of them ended up with a bloody nose.

Netizens react to intense brawl in peaceful park

The video already has over 200k views at the time of writing this article. Users online were quick to comment on the video. Let’s take a look at what they had to say about it.

This user questioned why is it important to record everything? A legit ask, it seems.

This user wondered what started the fight between the two. Well, there are no updates on the cause of their fight.

This user too was not a fan of this getting recorded.

Another user called it the cutest fight ever. We are not sure if a fight can be termed as cute.


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The user asked if this even counted as a fight. Well, they did go wildly at each other, so why not?

ALSO READ: Two Women Turn Parking Garage into Makeshift WWE Ring, Captivating Onlookers Who Eagerly Record the Action


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It is clear from the comments that a significant section of the users online believed that people shouldn’t just watch but intervene and stop the fight. The man in the end donned the role of the hero, breaking the fight. Do you think such fights should be recorded? Comment and let us know below.

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