
Professional wrestlers train hard to perfect the moves they perform in the ring so they are safe for their opponents. But sometimes a botch happens, and it leads to an injury. As in the case of Jon Moxley who suffered a minor concussion on AEW Dynamite due to a botched move.

This comes just days after he revealed that he is suffering from career-threatening arthritis.

Jon Moxley suffers a concussion due to a botched Piledriver


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There are certain wrestling moves that are often considered really dangerous, like the vicious powerbomb or the shooting star. But the one that takes the top spot is the pile driver. This one move, if not executed properly can lead to a life-threatening injury for the one receiving it. As with Steve Austin who injured his neck badly in 1997 after an inverted piledriver from the late Owen Hart.

Coming back to Jon Moxley, on last night’s Dynamite, he was defending his AEW International Championship against Rey Fenix. Moxley seemed much in control until Fenix decided to give him an over-the-shoulder sitout piledriver. In doing so, he ended up giving Moxley a concussion to the head.

Moxley immediately realized that something was wrong and called for attention audibly. The referee then signaled Fenix to finish off the match, and he did so by delivering another piledriver. Post his title loss, Moxley immediately left the ring.

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After the match, many of his colleagues checked up on him but he revealed that he was fine. And despite the concussion, officials do not expect Moxley to miss any further AEW matches.

Talking about botched moves, one such move cost a WWE legend his wrestling career.

Bret Hart had to retire from pro wrestling after sustaining an injury from Goldberg in the ring


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Bret Hart was at the top of the wrestling food chain in the late 90s. At that time he was involved in a feud with then-upcoming star Goldberg, who established his prowess as a major crowd puller.

In one such match, Goldberg super-kicked Brett Hart so hard in the head that he sustained a concussion. On further examination, Hart’s doctors advised him to never wrestle again, as the concussion was quite serious.


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As a result, Bret Hart retired from pro wrestling and also had to relinquish his WCW title in 2000. While Moxley doesn’t have to suffer the same fate, it shows the pitfalls that come with engaging in pro wrestling. What do you guys think about Jon Moxley suffering a concussion on AEW Dynamite?