
If you have watched the WWE during Vince McMahon‘s era, you’d hear people call him many things. From being cited as a genius who transformed the WWE into the global sensation it is, to every negative adjective in the English vocabulary. However, some former stars who have worked with Mr. McMahon rather not speak ill about the former chairman.

Today, Mr.-No-Chance has cemented his name in the history books of the WWE as one of the greatest heels. While doing so, he also helped many wrestlers get over with the fans.

Zach Gowen doesn’t speak ill of Vince McMahon


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Zachary Mark Gowen, or better known as Zach Gowen, is someone that fans of the WWE in 2003-2004 remember. He was the only one-legged wrestler in the WWE. During his time, he shared the ring with esteemed names like Hulk Hogan, John Cena, Big Show, Kurt Angle, and even Brock Lesnar.

USA Today via Reuters

He even engaged in a match at Vengeance 2003 against Vince McMahon. He recently appeared on the Chris Van Vliet’s YouTube show, he made some startling revelations about that particular match. These were secrets that no one knew for 20 long years.

Vliet first asked Gowen if McMahon carried him in the match. To this, Gowen said, “Vince did not carry me through that match at all. I’m not gonna speak ill of the man. Because I love Vince McMahon.” He went on to claim that McMahon had saved his life. This was about the WWE head honcho giving him a chance to wrestle despite his disability.

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The 40-year-old went on to explain how the two would prepare for the match weeks before the PPV. Being handicapped, McMahon ensured he and Gowen knew what they were gonna do ahead of time before the match. This would help avoid any accidents during the match and would keep Gowen safe, unlike his encounter against Brock Lesnar. Vliet asked how it felt being in a match with the head of the company. Gowen responded, “It’s a lot of fun because Vince is a maniac. I think you have to be a maniac if you’re Vince McMahon.” 

Despite suffering a loss against McMahon during the aforementioned match at Vengeance, he earned the adulation of the fans present there. However, this was not his biggest achievement in the WWE. Gowen managed to overcome the tough challenge posed by The Beast in the same year as he clinched an infamous win.


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Gowen’s most remembered match with Brock Lesnar

One of the matches that fans remember the best about Gowen was with Brock Lesnar. On the August 21, 2003, episode of SmackDown, the two would square off in a singles match. Gowen won the match in two minutes via disqualification.

However, this would enrage The Beast, who proceeded to initiate a brutal beatdown on Gowen. The brutality on display conveyed Lesnar’s heel status within the company to the wrestling legion. Needless to say, it worked all too well, especially when Lesnar mocked Gowen’s mother sitting in the front row.


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