
In Hollywood, there is no one who is similar to what Dwayne Johnson is able to provide fans. In any Johnson movie, there is one thing guaranteed for the audience: The Rock is going to act like The Rock. But what happens when there are actors who can do the same thing as Johnson and replace his role?

Well, Fast X saw a new actor who many are saying, filled The Rock’s role in the franchise. But just a few years ago, the same actor wanted to star alongside Johnson to get a bigger platform.

Despite taking over Dwayne Johnson’s role in the Fast series, this actor wanted to star in a movie with him


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Before Fast X was released, there were rumors about Jason Mamoa filling in the place left by Johnson’s Hobbs. Reports from The Sun corroborate these rumors saying, “There is no movement right now on getting Dwyane back in these movies. That bridge is still burned and the casting of Jason Momoa in Fast X is meant to fill the void that Dwayne has left in the previous movie.

With the success of Fast X, Mamoa’s appearance appears to be a great alternative for the Hobbs character. But not even two years ago, Mamoa was talking about featuring in a movie with The Rock. Being a fresh action star, only being known for Aquaman, a movie with Johnson, could have been a great boost in Hollywood for Mamoa.

About working together in the future he said, “I met him almost 20 years ago in Hawaii. We tried to get together and make a movie together. But it’s just he’s way busier than I am and I’m pretty busy right now so, one of these days!

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At the time, both Mamoa and Johnson were a part of the DCEU franchise. So it would have made a blast seeing the two on the screen together. Mamoa even curated a video for Johnson’s youngest daughter on her birthday as well. So, it seems like the relationship between the two stars is friendly. Which is the total opposite of what his dynamic with Vin Diesel was.


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Why did Dwayne Johnson exit from the Fast series?

Johnson’s relations with Diesel are the sole reason that this conversation is happening in the first place. Johnson’s Hobbs was the perfect foil for Diesel’s Dom. It made perfect sense and audience unanimously praised their chemistry.

But just because of their personal issues, The Rock had to say goodbye to the Fast series. Bridge to The Rock was burnt. Instead of working on it, the Fast series has found their new nemesis to Diesel’s Don. Nevertheless, the Hollywood actors have let bygones be bygones with Johnson returning to the series in a cameo role at Fast X.


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