
WWE has had many celebrities taking part in various matches as participants or ringside guests. Vince McMahon has always minted dollars out of these appearances by the celebrities at major events or weekly shows. One such celebrity who has appeared at WWE events is the forty-fifth U.S. President Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump and Vince McMahon share a great relationship. The former US president provided WWE with arenas for WrestleMania 4 and 5 and had a feud with ‘The Boss’ at WrestleMania 23. 


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How much did Donald Trump earn in his feud with Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 23?

A WWE fan will never forget the Battle of Billionaires match between Bobby Lashley w/Donald Trump and Umaga w/Vince McMahon at WrestleMania 23. The company hyped the match among the fans, as the stipulation was Hair vs Hair. 

Bobby Lashley won the match, and eventually, Donald Trump won the feud. Per the stipulation, Trump and Lashley shaved the head of Mr.McMahon in the middle of the ring. As per Bleacher Report, Trump earned a whopping $4 million dollars in all the appearances leading up to this feud to WrestleMania. All the money which Trump earned went to charity in the “Donald J. Trump Foundation”.

This was not the first time Donald Trump had appeared on a WWE show, but it was his first major feud. Two years after the Battle of Billionaires, the former US President appeared on WWE as a guest host on RAW. This appearance earned him an extra $1 million dollars, which went to his charity funds.

The money Trump minted in his all WWE appearances directly went to his charity, which is a good thing. Since Mr. McMahon and Donald Trump are friends, The Chairman might not have hesitated to pay him this amount as it went for a good cause.

Donald Trump is a Hulkamaniac

Hulk Hogan was excited to face his arch-rival Andre the Giant at WrestleMania 4. Before going into the match, Mean Gene interviewed Hogan, who cut a promo on his opponent.

Read More:- Hulk Hogan Had Bizarre Idea to Run As Former President Donald Trump’s Running Mate


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Hogan claimed that when he would slam Andre, the East Coast of the USA would separate from the mainland and the impact would result in mega destruction for many citizens. However, during the promo, Hogan started talking about being there to save Donald Trump if his bout with Andre caused any destruction.

He added, “But Donald; if something happens, you run out of gas, and all those little Hulkamaniacs run out of gas, just hang on to the largest back in the world, and I’ll dog-paddle us, backstroke us all to safety!”


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Was Trump’s love for Hulkamania the thing that gave rise to him hosting WrestleMania 4 & 5 at his arena and being associated with WWE in the future as well?