
The WWE ring has witnessed several types of relationships, from rivalry to romantic. One such fascinating story would be of former superstar Debra Marshall and her-then husband, WWE Hall of Famer, Stone Cold Steve Austin. 

The couple met in 1998 when Debra came to WWE. Soon; they started dating and became one of the most popular couples in the wrestling industry. However, Queen Debra had some personal issues with an ex-WWE star involving her husband. 


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Shortly, Debra came into a heated argument with the former wrestler and model, Torrie Wilson, for hitting on her husband. She accused her of disrespectful behavior towards the Texas Rattlesnake. 

Debra Accusing a Former Wrestler of Hitting on Steve Austin

In an old shoot interview, Debra, a former wrestling valet, detailed an incident involving her and Torrie Wilson. She said, “I did that once to Torrie. She was hitting on Steve. That was more of a girl to girl, woman to woman, hitting on my husband, which all women can relate to that.”

Queen Debra also added, “I don’t play that way. […] I just grabbed her by the arm and was like ‘hey, you need to come here right now, and I just told her if she didn’t stop I was gonna kick her butt. That was disrespectful. This is my husband.

She also mentioned Wilson’s reaction after her acquisitions. She said, the former model started crying and her nose was running as well.

READ MORE: Brock Lesnar Did a ‘Stone Cold Steve Austin’ on Top WWE Star 15 Years After Being on the Receiving End

Her statement is evident enough to sketch out the scenario that must have happened. It also reflects the amount of anger and disrespect she felt at that time.

Coincidences in World Wrestling Entertainment

Despite all the accusations made by Debra of Wilson, one can’t find any proof of Torrie and Austin having any romantic link. But, as fate had some other plans for the popular names of WWE, one may encounter a few significant coincidences between them. 

The first coincidence would be the longevity of both their married lives. On one hand, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Debra were married for almost three years. Similarly, Wilson got separated from Billy Kidman after cherishing married life for 3 years. Fans might get surprised, but the fact is, Torrie Wilson got married in the same year when Debra and Austin parted their ways. 


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However, no one can outrun fate. Thus, the popular faces of WWE are currently with their news partners. Wilson and Steve Austin both remarried Justin Tupper and Kristin Feres, respectively.


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Surprisingly, Debra is not the only one to accuse Wilson of hitting on her husband. Undertaker’s Ex-Wife, Sara Frank, also expressed her wish of beating the former wrestler and model Torrie Wilson.

WATCH STORY: From Slapping Austin Theory to Getting Cozy with Torrie Wilson: The Most Memorable WWE Moments of Vince McMahon