
WWE fans have had the pleasure of seeing someone as talented as John Morrison in the ring. The high flying wonder has given us some of the most thrilling moments in WWE history.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, and John Morrison too will eventually decide to walk away from the ring one day. That day may come sooner than you think.


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In an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Morrison revealed that this current stint is his final run in WWE.

“I had always intended to go back to WWE and as the years went by, I kept in touch. I was never on bad terms with anyone….You always want to finish where you start, for me in wrestling, especially if you start with WWE like you want to finish at the highest level and I’ve always seen having my final run at WWE,” explained Morrison. “So when I hit Vince up about coming back, I was really excited when they seemed interested, I’ll put it that way.”

After a very successful initial run in WWE, John Morrison decided to pursue a career in film production. He wanted to learn the process and began studying it. Morrison has pretty much been working on this part of his life during his time away from Wrestling.

WWE will be the final professional wrestling run for John Morrison

After completing what he set out for, the “Shaman of Sexy” decided to make his way back to where it all started for him. He has also decided that this will be it for him not only in WWE but also as a professional wrestler as a whole.

“Let me explain what a run is, I’m still on what like a 1- year run from when I started, so this final run could mean five years, ten years, 15 years, who knows. Whatever happens, I’d like to finish out at WWE,” concluded Morrison


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This current storyline with The Miz has seen Morrison in a slow role but entertaining nonetheless. However, I can’t help but feel that he is being put on a leash.

Fans want to see the Morrison that executed a Starship Pain to perfection from on top of the Steel Cage. Better still, the man who jumped from the top of the Elimination Chamber without second thoughts. 


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Since this is his last run, WWE needs to give him at least one title push before its too late. A dream match pits him against AJ Styles, which has the potential of being a WrestleMania banger match. 

A fitting end to a man like John Morrison would be nothing short of the main event. There’s still a lot of crazy left in the tank for him, and WWE fans could use some high flying experts now.