
Brock Lesnar was a massive hit when he entered the WWE back in 2002. Promoted as ‘The Next Big Thing,’ the push Lesnar got was massive, and no one could deny it. With his amateur wrestling background, he was destined for greatness. However, according to one wrestler, this was due to the company’s biased views on Lesnar.

When Lesnar debuted, there was no one like him. The WWE even praised him as their answer to WCW’s Goldberg. And despite the massive talent in the company at the time, he was the only one getting the push to stardom.

Maven says the company was biased towards Brock Lesnar


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Maven Klint Huffman joined the company in 2001 under his first name. His YouTube video, Rating WWE Wrestlers I Worked With 2, was released on September 1, 2023. During this, he talked about various wrestlers he worked with during his run in the company. Among them was Brock Lesnar.

“I was the first person that Brock ever hit an F5 on,” Maven stated in his segment. During the Monday Night Raw episode on March 18, 2002, Lesnar hit Maven with the first-ever F5. This was not his signature finishing move at the time. The F5 however, became one of the most devastating moves in the WWE.

Continuing his segment on Lesnar, Maven said that Lesnar was the most polite wrestler he encountered. He was also a very private person and would not mingle with wrestlers outside the ring. However, the praises did not last long as he moved on to the push Lesnar got in his initial year. “Brock got pushed to the Moon extremely quickly,” he said.

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Typically, when a wrestler gets a push in the WWE, others have animosity against them, especially if they are new to the company. Lesnar was new and yet got the push of a lifetime. While talking about this, Maven said, “A, if you cared, he didn’t give a cr*p, and B, if you had a problem with him, the office didn’t care because they knew they were making their money off of him.”


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Lesnar was highly valued by WWE right after his debut in the promotion and only went on to prove his worth.

How the WWE valued Lesnar during his first year

To elaborate on what Maven was talking about, we need to see the wrestlers that were present at the time, like The Rock, The Undertaker, RVD, Hardy Boyz, Hulk Hogan, Kurt Angle, Big Show, etc. All were massive names in the WWE, but none saw the push Lesnar did. Maven did touch upon the topic of the angles and feuds Lesnar was placed on. He claimed the office would not care about what others said about Lesnar or how they felt. This was because The Beast Incarnate was the hottest star in the company at the moment.  


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He was put into matches with Hogan, Hardy Boyz, The Rock, and many other big names. He was given a title shot way sooner than anyone expected. While Lesnar performed brilliantly in the ring and kept fans in their seat, the push he received from Vince and Co. was purely based on how much he brought into the company. Maven ended the segment by saying he was happy for Lesnar and wished him all the best. 

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