
The Rhodes family has been a massive part of the WWE. Starting with ‘The American Dream,’ Dusty Rhodes gained prominence with his persona of an American everyman, the American Dream personified. Today, his son Cody Rhodes leads the legacy. However, there are certain aspects of Dusty’s career that Cody holds on dearly to. These treasured wrestling memorabilia come in all shapes and sizes.

Watch as one WWE Legend presents Cody with one of the best New Year’s gifts he could’ve ever asked for.

DDP returns Dusty’s iconic coat to Cody Rhodes


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Diamond Dallas Page is one of the great wrestling legends. From being in both the WWE and WCW, he worked with every big name in pro wrestling during his peak. He also worked and admired Dusty Rhodes and his coat. Dusty wore the coat in question during a promo in WCW with Magnum T.A.

That is where DDP saw it and fell in love with it. When he asked Dusty if he could have it, ‘The American Dream’ gave it to him, no questions asked. To this day, he still has the coat and even lent it to Cody. However, in the spirit of the New Year, DDP revealed to Cody and his wife that he was officially handing the coat over to Cody.

READ MORE: Cody Rhodes Hints at Restarting His Journey Towards Completing His Story at WrestleMania 40

During the conversation. Rhodes and DDP recounted how important Dusty was to both their careers. DDP said that the line Dusty Rhodes said inspired him a lot was, “I have wined and dined with kings and queens, and I’ve slept in alleys and dined on pork and beans.” This is one of the reasons why DDP wanted Dusty’s coat.


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The big year ahead of Cody Rhodes

2024 is going to be a massive year for Rhodes. After being one of the top stars in the company in 2023, he will have to step up his game. This year, Rhodes plans on completing his story, which began last year at WrestleMania 39.

Only time will tell if the WWE pushes for a Rhodes vs. Roman Reigns match, as now Dwyane Johnson is also after Reigns. Fans love Rhodes and his second run in the company, not to mention his theme song.


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What do you think of DDP’s gesture? Tell us in the comments.

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