
The Rattlesnake made a name for himself through his wrestling technique, but he charmed the audience with his oozing charisma. No one could touch his level of fame when Stone Cold Steve Austin stood atop and no one has been able to replicate it either.

But as it is a custom in the wrestling world, the legends have to pass the torch to the people coming after them. And Austin did the same thing when he lost to this WWE legend 21 years ago. That match became an instant classic because everything was absolutely perfect with the storyline and the match.


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READ MORE: “A Scary A** Night”: WWE Legend Reveals Stone Cold Steve Austin’s “Cruel Ironic” Suffering After Life-threatening Neck Injury

That match boosted this WWE legend, who then became a staple in WWE for years to come, but not with some minor setbacks. This legend is none other than Kurt Angle. The Olympic gold medalist shocked the wrestling world multiple times by putting on classics left and right.

But now, Angle poked Austin on Twitter by boasting about his momentous victory over the Rattlesnake, 21 years later. And the Texan is not having any of it.

Fans blow up as Stone Cold Steve Austin taunts WWE Hall of Famer on Twitter

When the Rattlesnake replied to Angle’s bragging tweet, the fans couldn’t keep their hands off of their keyboards. Here are some of the reactions that the tweet got:

the WWE universe definitely would love to see these two legends go at it again, now that Austin has made his return to wrestling.

Angle’s selling helped make the Stone Cold Stunner a major move in WWE.

Classic Austin 3:16 right here!

Well, he might have tapped out, but his hand was also hanging on the rope. So, you win some and you lose some.

Milk-O-Mania was a spectacular thing that made all the sense back in the Attitude Era, but it wouldn’t do now.

Beating Stone Cold Steve Austin is something that everyone should brag about it, the man was a god for some people.

There is a curse with WWE superstars that they never win in their hometown, but Angle was able to break it.


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The best controversial ending to the whole storyline and also something that is written on the pages of pro wrestling as iconic.


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WATCH THIS STORY: Biggest WWE WrestleMania Returns Over the Years

Tell us about your favorite moments from the Angle and Austin feud in the comments below.