
With Vince McMahon coming down from the highest seat in the pro wrestling world, many have showered him with gratitude. But while the boss was influential in bringing stars, there were many poor decisions as well. For every Steve Austin, there was a Finn Balor, who fell off after just one try.

According to the pre-set body standards, a male superstar should have bulging muscles and a 6 ft stature, and handsome looks. And Vince McMahon’s views were no different, as he always preferred such standards over all these years.


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Whether it was the ’80’s Hulk Hogan or 2010s’ John Cena, all of his wrestlers have the same features. But a few like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, got in through the unavailability of these superstars and climbed to the top with the help of the fans. Such were certainly great moments in WWE history.

Obviously, the situation of women’s wrestling could not be any different. While in the early ’00s, McMahon pushed Trish Stratus and Sable as the definitive standards of women’s wrestling, Lita was the most influential of the bunch. Such perspectives certainly influenced the major criteria of requirements for a women’s champion.

Awesome Kong speaks out on being rejected by Vince McMahon


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From 2011 to 2012, for a short stint, Kharma was a member of the WWE roster. Kia Stevens, the woman who played Kharma, had to take leave because of her pregnancy, but WWE released her during her leave. In an interview where Awesome Kong talked about Hulk Hogan coming to TNA, she mentioned her rage for Vince McMahon.

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She said, “When I got to TNA, I had this attitude of ‘F**k Vince McMahon. If he don’t want to hire fat people, then f**k him! Let’s just take him over!’ With Hulk Hogan over there, I thought that he was going to have that same attitude that he wanted to build TNA himself from the ground up, I was excited.


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Let us know your opinions about Vince McMahon releasing Kong, while her being one of the greatest talents in the comments below.