
Zack Snyder is a director, screenwriter, producer, and a comic book movie cultural trailblazer. However, he is also into fitness and his bodybuilding prowess is as strong as his work ethic. He had once invited his crew to his home in California so that they could look at his upper body workout. The director is very particular about his health and fitness and also wants his actors to be the same.

He is so particular about his regime that he trains one hour before his schedule every day. The 57-year-old director recently spoke about his unusual morning routine on the sets of the $450 million movie.

Zack Snyder about the movie 300


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During the movie direction of 300 where viewers got to see shredded Spartans, Snyder started to set a high bar for physique and movie making. He said to Men’s Health, “Starting on 300, I would come in before everyone else, I would do the workout, Mark Twight, would put my times and my PRs on the board and all the actors would have to beat it,” he says. “Few did.”

The 300-workout plan consisted of pullups, barbell deadlifts, pushups, box jumps, single arm clean and press with kettlebell, and more. According to Snyder, the gym became a place of camaraderie and friendship and people not only got in shape for the movie but also had good chemistry.

Alessandro Komadina is his coach for training and he emphasizes fitness and encourages his crew to participate as well. Previously, Snyder had also shed light on his diet.

Snyder concentrates on fundamentals


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In the YouTube video with Men’s Health, he spoke about his diet, which is nothing but clean eating. His discipline starts with exercise and diet and since he is creating movies with flawless characters who are strong, the 57-year-old tries to maintain that in his own life as well.

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He also talked about his gym, which he has named The Black Box. The gym is decked with all forms of equipment and he keeps the routines simple. Snyder sticks to the fundamentals like bench pressing, dumbbell curls, and squats, among others.


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What do you think about the genius director and his dedication to fitness?