
Achieving or maintaining a fit and healthy body does not necessarily mean that you have to go all-out in the gym, lift heavy metals, or follow an hour-long cardio. While professional athletes do spend hours and hours on their fitness routine, it is not practical for most of the people who spend their day inside a 9-5 cubicle. 

Providing a solution for that, bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger recently revealed a 1-minute workout that can reduce the cause of death due to cardiovascular problems by up to 49 percent. In his latest edition of the daily newsletter, Schwarzenegger shared this information among many other topics. 

What is the one-minute workout?


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Exercise snacks or micro-workouts are short forms of physical activities that are designed to be convenient and easily achievable for those with a busy schedule. In the latest edition of Pump Club, Arnold revealed that by indulging in exercise snacks, a “40 percent reduction in death from all causes and up to a 49 percent reduction in death from cardiovascular disease” can be expected. 

Backing this up by providing relevant research, Schwarzenegger mentioned that multiple sets of short 1-minute workouts throughout the day can help with “some of the negative metabolic effects of sitting all day at work.”

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Concluding this, ‘The Austrian Oak’ wrote, “Try adding whatever works for you, whether it’s 1 to 2 minutes of running up and down stairs or a 10 to 15-minute leisurely walk. Your body will thank you.” Schwarzenegger never misses out on sharing new research related to health and well-being with his fans. Just a while ago, he debunked a billion-dollar industry that claims to help people achieve their fitness goals. 

What did Schwarzenegger say about the fitness bands?


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In a previous edition of his newsletter, Schwarzenegger mentioned another research that revealed that “people who wore fitness trackers for 18 months lost less weight and moved less than those who didn’t wear them.” He continued by explaining that, for some reason, people tend to walk 1000 steps less than usual while using these fitness bands. 

Providing solutions for this, he suggested finding a workout partner as a training partner helps with consistency and the workout can be enjoyed even more with someone by your side. He also stated that the principle of progressive overload is really essential in order to witness change and growth in one’s physique.


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Being at the tough age of 75, Schwarzenegger still manages to maintain good health and an even fitter body than most people of his age. His advice on implementing exercise snacks can prove to be really important in the public’s life due to the time boundaries that we have. Taking out a minute for our health every few hours is the least we can do to ensure a healthy life.