
Arnold Schwarzenegger had a complex relationship with his mother, Aurelia Jadrny Schwarzenegger. While Arnold had a close bond with his mother, their relationship was not without its challenges. Aurelia initially disapproved of Arnold’s interest in bodybuilding, viewing it as a frivolous pursuit. However, his determination and passion for the sport eventually won her over, and she became one of his biggest supporters. 

In his recently released limited series documentary, Schwarzenegger delves into his personal and professional life. In the second episode, he openly shares that he chose to keep his heart surgery in ’97 a secret from his mother, which deeply saddened her.

Schwarzenegger’s heart surgery and emotional confession


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In 1997, Schwarzenegger underwent heart surgery to address a congenital condition known as a bicuspid aortic valve. The decision to undergo surgery was a preventative measure aimed at avoiding potential complications in the future. During the second episode, however, Schwarzenegger revealed that he did not tell her mother about the fact that he was supposed to go through surgery. His ex-wife Maria Schwarzenegger told Aurelia about ‘The Austrian Oak’s surgery at the last moment. “Pi**ed off” by this, Aurelia rushed to the hospital. 

After a 16-hour-long surgery, Schwarzenegger’s mother bashed him after he woke up to the fact that he didn’t tell her about the operation himself. Describing the instance, Schwarzenegger disclosed Aurelia’s words, “How could you do this to me? I’m your mother, you’re supposed to be able to tell me anything”

Read More: “Linked to Disease and Death in Older Age”: Arnold Schwarzenegger Uncovers a Shocking Fact Relating to Protein Consumption

Continuing further, Schwarzenegger revealed in the episode about his mother’s tragic passing. Recalling years after her death, Schwarzenegger made a heart-wrenching confession about Aurelia Schwarzenegger and paid his respects to his mother for being able to go through such difficulties in her early life during his autobiography, which was released in 2012.

Schwarzenegger’s unwavering love for her mother Aurelia


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Looking at Aurelia’s photographs of her younger days, Schwarzenegger recalled, “She looked haggard and skinny. It was after the war.” Schwarzenegger explained that life was not a bed of roses growing up in Austria. He also added that his mother would carry them “over the mountain to the hospital” whenever ‘Arnie’ or his brother was ill. 

Upon realizing this, ‘The Austrian Oak’ took it upon himself to ensure that his mother received all the luxuries and comforts possible after achieving success in the world of bodybuilding as well as Hollywood. Adding to this, he said that he “rewarded for the pain that I caused her by leaving. She deserved to be treated like a queen.”


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Schwarzenegger openly acknowledges the complications in his relationship with his mother due to his decision to leave Austria for his career. However, his words and actions clearly show that Aurelia Schwarzenegger will always hold a special place in his heart.

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