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Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man of great vision and his successful career across diverse fields is a testimony to it. The Austrian Oak was known to take unconventional professional decisions that later went on to contribute to his huge fortune. Schwarzenegger’s transition from  bodybuilding to movie business, and then to a political career speaks for his risk-taking mentality and courage. Arnie’s shift from the action genre to comedy by starring in Twins in 1988 without a paycheck is yet another on the list of his risky deals.

In 2015, the WWE Hall of Famer and once a close friend of Schwarzenegger, Jesse Ventura, gave another snippet of the action hero’s shrewd and focused decision-making. While speaking with Graham Bensinger, he recounted an instance of the Governator denying a $14, 000,000 worth deal. 

Jesse Ventura narrates an incident from the sets of Predator


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Bensinger asked Ventura in the interview, “You wrote in one of your books that Arnold was one of the most focused men you ever met in your life. Why?” Ventura, the former governor of Minnesota, instantly replied, “Because I watched him turn down 14 million dollars.”

 Recollecting the incident during the filming of Predator, the retired wrestler confessed, “They came in and offered him Predator 2 right there before one even went out.

Ventura was there watching the entire discussion unfold and was dumbstruck when Arnie said “no” to the deal. After the producers left, the 71-year-old asked, “Arnold, how do you turn down 14 million dollars?” He further revealed that he said, “I’ll do it for half.” However, the Terminator icon replied, “Jesse the time is not right.” And yes! “he was correct,” reiterates Ventura, retrospecting Arnie’s decision.

To the unversed, Jesse Ventura played Blain Cooper in Predator, in 1987. Earlier, the Twins star had opened up about his decision to not be a part of the Predator sequel. 

Arnold Schwarzenegger once opened up about not being part of the Predator sequel

The FUBAR actor is not actually a fan of sequels. And he outrightly claimed, “The sad story is that sometimes studios do a great job with creating sequels, and sometimes they really screw it up bad, and it all has to do with greed.

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His decision not to be part of the Predator series eventually worked out for him as none of the later movies of the series could collect like the first. But Arnie broke the rule as he went on to feature in the Terminator franchise, which is revered as one of his greatest hits. 


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Read More: Despite Father’s $450,000,000 Net Worth, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Son Selling a $4,995,000 Home in California

Arnold Schwarzenegger is known for his risky decisions that made him successful. This one is yet another snippet of his successful business affair. 


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