
via Imago

via Imago

In their fitness journeys, many people sometimes lose their drive to go to the gym and maintain a disciplined routine every day. And once they miss out on a step, it often becomes difficult to continue. Amidst such circumstances, a TikTok trend has brought about an easier approach to fitness which supposedly would keep an individual get on with their fitness goals.

When the idea of Cozy Cardio entered the fitness arena through TikTok, many influencers and fitness enthusiasts were eager to try it out, and their reviews afterward led to the trend catching up with the public as well. However, is it as effective as it is touted to be?

What is Cozy Cardio?


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The famous TikToker Fitness icon, Hope Zuckerbrow, has over 980K followers. Not so long ago, she shared her cardio routine, which was filled with little elements that made her claim that she was becoming more productive. According to Healthline, “Her early morning cardio session involved lighting a candle, making an iced coffee, and donning fluffy socks, before walking at a gentle pace on her walking pad for 40 minutes, with a romcom on in the background.”

This is exactly what Cozy Cardio is. An easy and accessible fitness routine that deliberately requires individuals to add comforting elements to their cardio to help them stick to their routine. This seemingly light fitness approach has been promoting the easiness with which people can be consistent at their own convenience, ensuring that they do not have to visit a gym as a mandatory step for their daily workout. Moreover, the cozy aspect of the exercises, which might include lighting a candle or playing one’s beloved music, is touted to in turn help people become more passionate about it.

That being said, several people have questioned its effects as a method of weight loss.

Does Cozy Cardio help with fat loss?

Because Cozy Cardio is one of the lightest and least intense fitness approaches, people find it hard to believe that weight loss can be achieved despite not having the most intense regime. Zuckerbrow, who started her TikTok page dedicated towards weight loss had claimed how she lost over 100 lbs through intense workouts but it did not make her feel very good and drawn to fitness, instead, Cozy Cardio became another way for her to stay more passionate and dedicated towards workouts which further contributed to her weight loss goals.

READ MORE: “Cozy Cardio,” a Workout Designed by TikTok Fitness Influencer Breaks the Internet After She Claims Significant Transformation

Moreover, several fitness experts have pointed out how weight loss does not simply depend on workout intensity. Outside of diets and calorie counts, weight loss can also be achieved by being consistent with one’s fitness regime even if it is not the most intense sessions. According to fitness coach, Denise Chakoian, “This type of workout can begin a journey to caloric burn and a steady state program for losing body fat.” She further added, “Whether it’s cozy cardio or another cardio workout, weight loss is based on calories in and calories out.”

Weight loss is not the only benefit one might obtain from Cozy Cardio, several experts have pointed out its other merits as well.

What other benefits does Cozy Cardio have?

Anna Poirer CSCS, the author of Body Joyful: My Journey from Self-Loathing to Self-Acceptance, stated how Cozy Cardio helps in weight loss as well as reducing stress levels. She pointed out, “Doing too much high intensity increases the level of cortisol (the stress hormone) in the body and can lead to adrenal fatigue, and lowered immune system.” According to her, the higher the level of Cortisol in the body, the more the body would hold on to fat and hence, this method helps in the reduction of both stress and weight loss.


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Apart from being more accessible and relaxing, Cozy Cardio also adds to strengthening one’s leg and midline strength because of the type of light exercises involved in it. Moreover, it also has the advantage of getting fit without exposing oneself to the major injuries people get during high-intensity workouts.

On the other hand, another major benefit that practitioners focus on is how Cozy Cardio helps increase the overall happiness and satisfaction of any individual who initially had to struggle to make their way through any fitness regime.


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While some have been quite reluctant to hop on to Cozy Cardio, many have already accepted the style and have been positive about the benefits they have derived from its pursuit.  Would you like it try it out if you haven’t done it already? Let us know in the comments below.