
The Strongman of 2017, Eddie Hall, is known for his entertaining YouTube videos. After announcing his bodybuilding dream, The Beast posted several videos of his gym sessions online. The real charm of these videos is his son Maximus, who matches his father in strength. He could be seen teasing his father in the gym while not missing on massive weight lifts.

The 35-year-old, however, opened up about his thoughts on his son following in his footsteps. He is concerned about the pressure of being the next Strongman on his 10-year-old son when people comment about the latter’s strength.

Eddie Hall slams people who pressurize his son


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Though the father-son duo enjoys themselves during their gym sessions, one thing keeps Hall concerned. “I’m actually quite against it when people say in the gym, and someone will come up and go, say to my son, ‘Oh, are you gonna be the next World’s Strongest Man?” he explained to The Sun. 

He further added that he would just dismiss such questions while Maximus is around but threatens the questioner later, “Will you, will you, would you mind shutting the f**k up and not saying that to my son please?” But the Beast has his reasons for behaving in a such way.

Read More: Strongman Giant Eddie Hall Teaches His 11-Year-Old Son What Gorillas Teach Their Babies

He feels that such questions might pressurize his young son and, as a father, he doesn’t want any such thing for Maximus. “It’s f**king wrong,” he adds. He is more focused on spending some quality time with the 10-year-old while training apart from keeping the latter away from video games. People ask Maximus such questions because he dubs his father’s strength. In a recent YouTube video, he was able to do a massive deadlift, leaving his father’s fans stunned.

Maximus’ 160 lbs deadlift left the bodybuilding world stunned


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The recent training session was exhausting for Hall and his son. The 10-year-old did a 160 lbs deadlift impressing Strongman enthusiasts. He did it for five reps for three sets. Even his father is impressed by Maximus’ caliber.

According to Hall, his son has the capacity to be a Strongman, but only if the latter intends to be one. Earlier, the kid baffled netizens with 16.5 lbs bicep curls.


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Watch the story here: “He needs to learn how to…” After his bodybuilding announcement, IFFB Pro condemns Strongman beast Eddie Hall’s plan with a stern warning

Maximus is a strong child and the bodybuilding community expects him to grow into a strong man like his father. However, that should be his choice. Hall wants his son to decide on what he wants to become and thus set the ideal parenting goals.