
The Gift and The Comeback Kid were not only rivals on stage but had one of the greatest chemistries in the bodybuilding world. While looking back at Phil Heath’s career people always look at him and Kai Greene. However, many forget that his first challenge was 4-time Mr Olympia winner, Jay Cutler. The Gift had to accept loss three times at the hands of Cutler before taking the Sandow trophy in 2011. However, Cutler had also helped him when he was a rookie and saw the potential in Heath. 

Recently on Cutler Cast, the two discussed this and Heath shared his confession regarding the 2010 Olympia. The discussion started with Cutler asking Heath about how he gained the confidence to own the stage.

Cutler also encouraged him by saying that he always knew Heath would become a champion. He declared, “From the beginning you were great. I mean from the time I saw you I mean this I saw everything. And I told Peter Mcgough that this guy is going to be an Olympia right? You didn’t believe I think for a long time. When did you gain that confidence enough to stand and just be like I own this sh** like.”


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Phil Heath, on the other hand, revealed his mindset at that time, and how the six-time Mr Olympia winner owned the stage. He said, “It was actually after the 2010 Olympia. There was a moment when Bob Chick said ‘You won the Olympia’ like and you know and still and then I exhaled after. I reviewed it like a game film. And I was like why did I do that? I told people a million times I did not beat Jay Cutler. I became Mr Olympia.” So to him, Heath was never looking to defeat anyone but rather win the title. His goal was fixed on the trophy rather than to defeat anyone. 

Jay Cutler almost cut ties with Phil Heath


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During an interview with Patrick Bet-David of Valutainement in 2019, Heath revealed what happened after he won his 5th Olympia. He said that every time he won a trophy he would compare himself with the previous winner such as Dexter Jackson or Sergio Oliva.

Read More: “Gym Has Been My Saviour”: Despite Retiring a Decade Ago, This Is Why 4X Mr. Olympia Jay Cutler Still Hits the Gym Daily

Heath also revealed that after he won four titles, Cutler was pissed. Surprisingly, it was so heated that Cutler even thought of cutting ties with Heath after the bodybuilder surpassed four Olympias. “We barely even talk anymore,” the former champion said in 2019. However, as of 2024, they have mended their friendship and even did a podcast together.


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What do you think about Heath’s winning mentality and their friendship?